Chainsaw Accidents a Top Injury Risk After Florida Storms

In Florida, summer can sometimes mean severe weather. While hurricanes, high winds, and thunderstorms can all cause personal injuries which can include head injuries, burn injuries, broken limbs, and even fatalities, the cleanup after storms can be just as dangerous in Florida. After a severe storm, many homeowners are faced with trees that have been blown down. In many cases, homeowners who try to remove these trees themselves injure themselves or create more property damage.

Chainsaw accidents are an especial concern for authorities after a severe Florida storm hits. Homeowners can reduce the risk of injury and property damage after a storm by:

1) Calling insurance companies first and taking pictures before removing trees. Sometimes, property owners go through all the trouble of removing debris and trees only to realize that they have removed valuable evidence in the process. If your home may be damaged and you may need to make an insurance claim, call your insurance provider before making any decisions regarding tree removal.

2) Contacting a professional. It is always much easier to contact a professional tree removal expert rather than attempt to get the job done yourself. Look for a professional who is fully insured and bonded. Many tree removal services are busy after a storm but many do have emergency services. It is often better to have a tree removed rather than attempt it yourself. Check with your insurance provider to see whether the cost is covered under your policy. Even if it is not, consider paying the cost out of your own pocket. It is always much safer.

3) Being careful with trees that fall over property lines. Removing a tree that has fallen onto a neighbor’s property is tricky business. If you accidentally cause property damage or get injured while removing the tree, the resulting legal actions could sour your neighborly camaraderie. When trees fall across property lines, it’s always better to get professional help.

4) Registering chainsaws. If you do have a chainsaw, register the product and check recent recalls. Some chainsaw accidents are caused by product liability issues, so make sure that your chainsaw has been approved for safe use. Keep the chainsaw in good condition and avoiding using it if there is anything wrong mechanically with the product.

5) Proceeding with caution. If you absolutely must remove a tree that has fallen, take every precaution. Read the manual and instructions carefully and take your time when using the chainsaw. Take frequent breaks, since chainsaws are heavy and difficult to operate. Always work with someone who can help you with removing cut pieces of wood. This person can also call for help if you are injured.