Is Driver Nonchalance Affecting Car Accident Rates?

Sometimes, it appears that driver attitudes cause driving accidents. While many drivers take their driving privileges seriously and work to be safe drivers, others seem nonchalant about their driving, and this attitude can cause fatal car and pedestrian accidents. Some poor driver attitudes include:

1) Seeing driving as a right. Many drivers see driving as a right, because they see driving as freedom or as the only way to get to work. However, driving is a privilege that must be earned and respected. Not respecting your privilege could cause you to mistakes that make you lose your license.

2) Being casual about the physical logistics of driving. Not adjusting a car seat or driving with your hands at the bottom of the wheel can affect your driving ability. In a car accident, such sloppiness can affect how much you are able to control your car. It is important to ensure that you are ready to drive and that your vehicle is correctly adjusted for your size. Adjust all mirrors to give you maximum visibility and drive with your hands at the nine and three o’clock positions for maximum control of the wheel.

3) Assuming that driving does not require all our attention. While most drivers are initially cautious, as they become used to driving they start doing many things while operating a vehicle: applying makeup, talking on a phone, texting, reading, and eating. Any activity other than driving does not belong in the car. If you need to do something else besides drive, pull over. Driver distraction is a major cause of car accidents and truck accidents.

4) Being casual about physical condition. If you feel poorly or are taking certain medications that make you feel groggy or sleepy, stay off the roads. Read your medication descriptions to ensure that you are safe to be on the roads. If you are tired, hungry, angry, distracted, in pain or otherwise not in good physical condition, you pose a danger to other drivers. You could cause a car accident.

5) Being casual about doing pre-drive checks. Most driver education programs teach students that they need to check a car before each drive. After most of us have been driving a while, though, we stop doing this simple check. Unfortunately, this can mean that we miss mechanical problems that could be a serious hazard.