Is Your Teen at Risk of Injury at Their Hallandale Job?

Teens are often excited to get their first summer job or first part-time job. In addition to getting some spending money, teens also get some independence from work – and experience that can help them secure future employment. Unfortunately, each year minors are seriously injured or even killed on the job. According to some experts, teens may be more at risk of injuries on the job because they have less work experience than adults and may be less willing to speak up about unsafe work conditions. If your teen has a part-time job, make sure that you:

1) Talk to your teen about their job options and workplace safety. Before your teen is injured and has to file a workers compensation claim in Hallandale or your community, discuss workplace safety with your teen. Some jobs simply come with more risk. Construction site accidents in Hallandale and other cities, for example, are more common than office workplace related accidents. Construction site accidents can also be more serious. Discuss job safety with your teen and make sure that your teen understands how they can stay safe on the job.

2) Ask your teen about workplace safety at their place of work. Have your teen discuss possible safety issues and problems at the workplace. In many cases, teens simply don’t realize that inadequate security claims in Hallandale or their community can occur if an employer does not take certain precautions. Make sure your teen is aware of worker safety laws and understands their rights in terms staying safe at work.

3) Check the employer. Consider visiting your teen at work or visit the workplace when your teen is not there in order to assess the safety of the workplace. Do most of the employees seem satisfied and happy? Does the workplace seem reasonably safe? Is it in a safe area or adequately secured against safety issues? Is the place of employment tidy? Keep in mind that even minor workplace accidents, such as slip and fall accidents in Hallandale or your community, can lead to serious head injuries and other serious injuries. Make sure that your teen works at the safest place possible.

4) Make sure your teen understands how to stay safe on the job and how to report unsafe conditions. Make sure that your teen gets on-the-job training for safety and understands all safety rules. Make sure that your teen has been told exactly how to report unsafe conditions. The more your teen knows about on-the-job safety, the more likely it is that they can stay safe while working.

Has your teen been injured in the workplace? If the injury was caused by an employer’s negligence, you may have a legal claim that can help your teen pay for medical costs and other related expenses. An injury at work can affect your teen’s earning potential for years or even a lifetime, and in many cases workers compensation may not cover all long-term costs associated with an injury. Contact the Flaxman Law Group to find out more about laws that concern your case and to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation.