Just How At Risk are Teen Drivers in Florida?
A great deal has been written about the dangers that face teen drivers in Homestead and across Florida. Statistically, new drivers tend to have higher car accident rates and risks for a few reasons. Lack of driving experience is obviously a big consideration, although some studies have suggested that in young drivers the brain functions differently, affecting decision-making processes. Studies have shown that young make drivers, especially, may have a higher risk of car crashes in Homestead and other cities when compared with young female drivers.
Now, new statistics from WalletHub.com suggest that not all teen drivers face the same risks. According to the website’s recent study, New York is the state that has the best track record, statistically, when it comes to teen drivers while teens in South Dakota may face more risks and inconveniences. The study compared the total number of fatalities involving teen drivers, the costs of car repairs, and DUI laws in each state. Using these and other factors, the study ranked states according to which states were the best and worst for young drivers.
Florida ranked 34th on the list of 50, meaning that while the state was not in the ten worst states for young drivers, there is still much that needs to be done to make driving a better experience for new motorists. The state has already discouraged texting and driving with a ban this year and graduated licensing aims to give teens some additional experience before they get behind the wheel. What else can be done to make the roads of Florida safer for teens? There are a few things that may help:
1) Make roadways safer for all road users. Teen drivers are not only not used to driving, but they may have limited experience dealing with trucks, pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and other road users. Improving safety for everyone makes roads safer overall and can help prevent pedestrian accidents in Homestead as well as other traffic collisions across Florida.
2) Fix known road design issues in Homestead and other cities. Some roadways, ramps, and intersections are known to have high rates of accidents. If regular drivers are struggling with road design issues in these areas, of course teen drivers and new drivers may be at even greater risk.
3) Provide more driver training for new drivers. Even with graduated licensing, teen drivers can get their license with only limited in-car practical experience, and very often that experience happens in groups, so each teen does not get much individual instructor attention. Making it easier for teens to get more in-car training – including night driving training – would help new motorists gain confidence and driving skill. Financial incentives for teens to take additional instruction and affordable driver instruction options would help.
4) Provide more options for transportation. Unfortunately, many Florida suburbs and communities were designed for cars and without a lot of focus on pedestrian safety or public transportation options. Providing more public transportation options may help curb DUI crashes in Homestead and other communities and can also take care of traffic congestion that can contribute to collisions.
Flaxman Law Group is happy to offer free, no obligation consultations to anyone who has been injured in a roadway crash. Feel free to contact our law firm today to schedule your free accident consultation.