Keeping Kids Safe at Truck Shows

Kids have a fascination with trucks and one way to encourage their interest is with truck shows. Truck shows feature the latest vehicles as well as impressive stunts. Many cater to kids, with children’s activities and even toys.

Truck shows can be a fun excursion for the whole family and a way to spend time together, but it’s important to keep safety in mind. Serious injuries have occurred at truck shows due to the speed and impact of the trucks involved. To prevent childhood injuries in Homestead and your community, follow these tips:

  • Choose truck shows carefully. Look for larger truck shows put on by known and respected names in the business. Check safety ratings of the companies before buying your tickets, too.
  • Consider sitting well back and arrange for tours later. Children and other audience members can be struck by flying debris. While it can be tempting to get “close to the action” keep in mind that the impact and the noise may be greatest closer to the trucks.
  • Bring sunscreen, a hat, ear plugs, and sun protection. Think and plan ahead. Outdoor shows require a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect children against sunburn. You will also want to bring water to prevent dehydration. Many truck shows are also very loud, so it is important to bring ear plugs or ear protection for children to reduce the risk of hearing loss.
  • Read the warnings. Read the full details and warnings of any truck show. Some have strobe lights, loud music, and other dangers you may need to consider. Some use smoke machines which can produce respiratory distress.
  • Get some fresh air after the show. Most truck shows produce a lot of exhaust and many stir up a lot of dust and dirt. If you are close to the trucks, especially, get plenty of fresh air after the show to stave off headaches.
  • Get a doctor’s opinion if your child has allergies, asthma, or other medical conditions. If your child has any medical conditions, find out whether the exhaust, fumes, strobe lights, and other elements of the show could be harmful. Follow your doctor’s directions.
  • Practice crowd smarts. Large crowds can make it easy to get separated and can also lead to crushing injuries and other injuries. Always take note of emergency exits and find a spot where you and your child can meet if you are separated. If possible, bring a few adults along to ensure supervision and stay together. Try to stay in less-crowded areas, where tripping and falling or jostling are less likely to happen.
  • Stay in areas you’re allowed to enter. Trucks and other equipment should be roped off. Use good supervision to ensure your child doesn’t wander off into areas which are prohibited, since these can expose your child to serious dangers.
  • Arrive earlier to avoid the heaviest crowds. Traffic to and from big shows can be hectic, so consider arriving early to avoid the biggest crowds and to reduce your risk of parking lot accidents.

Don’t forget that you can use your experience to start a discussion about truck safety, too.

If you have been injured in any event in Homestead or South Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN). No matter where you live in South Florida, we can arrange a free, no obligation consultation for you with a Homestead personal injury lawyer.