Keeping Kids Safer for Back-to-School in Hollywood

Every parent sends their child off to school in Hollywood to help them learn and succeed in the future. Unfortunately, while schools do try to keep each child safe, schools do present some hazards.

No parent sends their child to school expecting to get a phone call about a serious injury, but this is a reality for many families. Each year, some children are injured or even killed each year in school related injuries and accidents. There are a few ways to reduce the risk for your kids:

  • Think about backpacks: Heavy backpacks can put pressure on shoulders and even cause back injuries. Make sure your child’s backpack is light enough. Digitizing some work can help with this. Also, choose sturdy backpacks which can be worn on both shoulders and which offer plenty of padding and weight distribution.
  • Get rid of moveable soccer goals: Movable soccer goals have been associated with a number of injuries, so if your child plays the sport make sure that they are playing on a field with secure goals. For every sport, make sure your child has the training, coaching, and safety gear they need.
  • Curb distraction: Distracted kids on scooters, bikes, and even on foot can be at increased risk of traffic accidents. Unfortunately, many kids today spend a lot of time with screens. Encourage your child to focus on one thing at a time and to never wear headphones or ear pieces when on a scooter, bike, or even walking.
  • Think about how your kids get around: Pedestrian, scooter, and bicycle injuries are quite common among children. Make sure your children understand and follow traffic rules and are safe on the road.
  • Reduce the risk of playground injuries: Kids are safer when they don’t wear clothes with drawstrings or necklaces. Make sure your children don’t have clothes which put them at risk of strangulation injuries on the playground.
  • Talk to your kids about bullying: Bullying an escalate to physical violence and even assault. Talk to your kids about reporting bullying and make sure you get to know your child’s friends.
  • Get involved in your child’s life: Children want to be independent, but offering support and supervision is still important to make sure kids don’t take part in risk-taking adventures. Talk to your children about dangerous online games, challenges, bullying, and other dangers. Consider volunteering at your child’s school and talk regularly about what is going on in their lives.
  • Stay alert: If you notice your child’s grades dropping or if you notice changes in behavior, sleeping, or eating patterns, talk to them. Go see a therapist or doctor if things don’t get better. Some signs of changes could indicate something is wrong at school and your child is at risk.

Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a child injury attorney in Hollywood if your child has been injured. Our team has more than six decades of combined experience helping plaintiffs like you.