Key Biscayne Eye Injuries
Most of us rely on our eyes everyday for work and for everyday tasks, from reading a prescription to driving. Vision impairment can have a devastating impact on your life, which is one reason you’ll want to contact a Key Biscayne eye injury claims attorney at Flaxman Law Group. A free accident consultation with a lawyer can help you determine whether you have options for pursuing compensation to help you pay for rehabilitation, lost wages, treatment, personal help, and the other costs you will face.
Common Causes of Eye Injuries in Key Biscayne
Common causes of eye injuries include:
- Chemical exposure
- Assault
- Civil unrest
- Explosions or projectiles
- Traffic collisions
- Boating accidents
- Looking at the sun directly
- Workplace accidents
- Sports injuries
Any of these incidents can lead to vision impairment or even loss of vision, which is why it is essential to get medical help as soon as possible. You can help reduce your risk of eye injuries by wearing protective equipment at work, when playing sports, and during other higher-risk activities.
What Can I Do After an Eye Injury in Key Biscayne?
Not all eye injuries have obvious symptoms. Some, like a detached retina or increased eye pressure, only have obvious symptoms when they become very serious. If you have suffered trauma to the face or head, always seek medical help at once. A doctor can check for eye and head injuries and can start treatment immediately to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Even if you are not sure you have suffered an eye injury, it is best to get a proper evaluation to determine for certain.
You will also want to look for signs of an eye injury. Symptoms can include:
- Pain
- Redness, swelling, or a changed appearance in the eye area
- Torn eyelids
- Bleeding
- Eye is punctured or cut
- Light sensitivity
- Headache
- Feeling as though something is in your eyes
- Excessive tears
- Vision impairment, such as blurred vision
- Protrusion of the eye
- An object in the eye which can’t be flushed out by blinking
- Blood in the clear portion of the eye
- The pupil shape or size changes
- Eye movement is changed
Treatment for eye injuries is available in Key Biscayne, but the costs of an eye injury can be devastating. If you have suffered vision loss or impairment, you may not be able to return to work for some time or may need to switch careers. You may need at-home care and to pay for transportation. The costs of surgery and other vision care can be considerable and you may need to pay for rehabilitation or to learn to read and to live with vision impairment.
Due to the costs of this type of injury, it is important to explore whether you have any options for pursuing compensation. Under Florida law, you may have a legal claim if someone’s negligent or wrongful actions led to your injury. To discuss how much your potential claim may be worth, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free, no obligation consultation with a Key Biscayne eye injury claims attorney.