Miami Airport Safety This Holiday Season

At this time of year, many people are travelling and are taking planes to visit friends and family. While airports tend to be relatively safe places, they do pose a risk of injury and you’ll want to follow these tips to avoid injury and crime:

  • Wear practical clothing to the airport: Wear practical shoes and clothing which allows you to move. This will make it easier for you to move around and will help reduce the risk of trip and fall accidents.
  • Give yourself plenty of time: Being distracted or rushing can increase the risk of slipping or even a trip and fall accident as you run for your gate. Being late can also tempt you to speed on the way to the airport, which can mean a parking lot collision or even traffic accidents on your way to Miami. Always give yourself plenty of time and consider arranging a taxi or shuttle service to get into the airport safely.
  • Get familiar with the airport before you go: If you need assistance with getting around, make sure you identify where accessible entrances and accessible features are. Understand where you need to be dropped off for your gate and look up the airport website to figure out what amenities are there to help make your flight safe.
  • Stay in visible areas: Look for areas where there are plenty of other passengers and airport officials. Some areas of an airport may become less busy at times. It is safest to be in well-lit and frequented areas.
  • Be aware of what’s happening around you: It can be tempting to take a nap or lose yourself in a book, but stay alert to what is happening around you, especially if you are traveling alone. If you notice suspicious activity, alert security and get to safety.
  • Keep an eye on your bag: There are lots of people at an airport, so keep your bags securely closed and don’t leave them for any period of time. Try not to get distracted and stay with your suitcase or luggage at all times.
  • Pack smart: You are less likely to trip and fall if you don’t have the view in front of you obstructed by a huge suitcase. Pack light and you may also be less top heavy and struggling to carry a heavy piece of luggage. Having a smaller and more manageable bag also makes falls less of a risk.
  • Keep your most important documents on hand: Keep your passport, boarding pass, and other items you will need for your trip in one pocket where you can easily access your documents while staying alert and undistracted.

If you have been injured at the Miami airport or any airport in southern Florida, you may have a claim if the airport did not have adequate measures to protect you. You may have a premises liability claim and may be able to seek compensation for your injuries, medical costs, lost wages at work and more. To find out more, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with our Miami personal injury attorney.