Miami Airport Safety Tips

If you’re flying out of Miami on your next flight, you’re lucky to fly out of a large international airport with many options and amenities. However, no matter which airport you visit, you need to consider safety first.

Miami airport and all airports have large groups of people, heavy pedestrian and car traffic, and many hazards. Someone’s spilled coffee or dropped luggage can pose a slip and fall or trip and fall hazard. Car accidents in drop-off areas and parking spaces are also a concern, as is personal safety. Whether you are flying out of Miami or another airport, there are several ways to stay safe:

  • Prepare before you arrive. Miami airport has some tips to help you prepare for security and your flight. Make sure you understand the rules about the security lines and the airport before you arrive.
  • Give yourself extra time, especially at peak hours. If you are flying during the weekend or any time when there may be more flights, leave for the airport earlier than you think you need to. Driving stressed to avoid missing a flight is dangerous and you’re likely to be distracted if you are watching the clock. You may also be more likely to fall if you’re running for a gate.
  • Think car safety. It can be easiest to get a car, taxi, or mass transit to the airport, especially if you’re not used to the drop-off and pick-up zones. If you do drive your own car to pick someone up or decide to use long-term parking, pay attention to the signs and follow the rules. They are designed to keep everyone safe. Remember that flying is stressful for some people, so keep an eye out for pedestrians  and drivers who may be distracted.
  • Protect your valuables. Carry valuables in your carry-on luggage and only bring the valuables you need. When passing through security, keep an eye on your valuables to prevent theft.
  • Dress for the flight. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement and sturdy shoes. You may need to walk some time to get to a gate and have good treads will help you avoid falls. Comfortable clothing with plenty of movement allows you to move quickly in the event of any emergency.
  • Protect your identity. Do not leave your luggage tags or personal information where people can read it and use a RFID wallet or pouch to keep your credit cards and personal identity document safe from scanning. Do not advertise the fact that you will be away from your home by posting about upcoming trips online.
  • Stay sober and undistracted. Stay aware of what is happening around you and avoid drinking. The dry environment on planes and in airports can make you feel the alcohol more keenly and if you are affected by alcohol it may be harder for you to respond more quickly to a would-be thief or emergency.

Have you been injured at an airport? If you think your injuries were caused by negligence, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) to speak to a Miami personal injury attorney in a free, no obligation consultation.