Miami Beach Condo and Apartment Claims

This week, the thoughts of the entire legal team at Flaxman Law Group are with the families and individuals affected by the condo collapse in Miami Beach. While at this time the cause of the collapse is unknown, engineers have spoken before about the challenges of building in areas with shifting sands, especially as climate change may be contributing to rising sea levels.

Over the past few days, the team at Flaxman Law Group has been asked whether Miami Beach condo and apartment claims are possible in cases where a building experiences structural integrity problems which lead to injury.

Do You Have a Condo or Apartment Claim in Miami Beach?

While the most recent situation in Miami Beach is extreme, unfortunately each year residents of condos and apartment buildings across South Florida are injured. Injuries can and do occur because of:

  • Poor maintenance
  • Incorrect signage
  • Faulty design and construction
  • Poor construction materials
  • Unsecured and incorrectly maintained pool areas
  • Inadequate security
  • Insufficient lighting
  • Wrongful actions by visitors, managers, or other residents

When you pay for a condo or apartment, you expect that the building has been created to the standards indicated by building codes and is correctly maintained with the money you pay. Homeowner’s associations, developers, owners, and others who maintain and own these properties have a duty to create a safe living environment. If a building is older, Florida owners at need to have their building inspected and certified periodically to ensure it is safe. When they fail to meet this obligation and someone is injured as a result, the injured residents or visitors may have a legal claim.

For instance, when developers build on an island area, they have an obligation to work with qualified engineers who can determine any risks caused by sea levels or shifting sands. If a property is showing any signs of wear and tear which may indicate structural problems, the owners of that property need to check to ensure the building is still safe and to take remedial measures if it is found to be unsafe.

Do I Have a Claim?  

You may have a claim if you have been injured when living or visiting an apartment or condo and your injury was caused by someone’s negligence. In many cases, these claims occur as a result of injury in common areas such as pools, playgrounds, lobbies, and elevators, but they can also result if someone is injured in their own apartment or condo.

It can be difficult to know exactly who the liable parties are in the event of a serious injury. The homeowner’s association may blame the developer, for example, who may blame an engineering firm. Working with a qualified attorney helps you seek compensation from all liable parties.

If you have been injured, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free, no obligation consultation with a Miami Beach condo and apartment claims attorney. Our legal team has more than 60 years of combined experience and we have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.