Miami Drunk Driving Accidents Still a Serious Problem

In the 1980s, campaigns and initiatives were launched by MADD and other organizations to crack down on drunk driving and to educate the public about the dangers of driving inebriated. Legislators passed laws to make penalties harsher for those who decided to drive after drinking. Despite all the efforts, however, there are still thousands of Miami drunk driving accidents occurring because drivers make poor choices after drinking. Each day, police pull over drunk drivers and attend tragic car accident scenes caused by inebriated drivers.

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, there were more than 2000 drunk driving convictions in Miami-Dade County in 2010. There were 1588 car accidents caused by drunk driving in the county that same year. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), these accidents resulted in 1034 injuries and 43 fatalities.
The results of a Miami car accident caused by a drunk driver are devastating. In cases where a serious injury or fatality has occurred, it can cost a family hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to take care of lost income, medical costs, long term care, and other expenses. It can be especially galling for a family to learn that their pain and suffering was preventable and caused by someone’s poor choices.

After a Miami traffic accident caused by drunk driving, families do have options. Depending on the details of the accident, the family may be able to pursue action against the driver and other parties. In a DUI case, the drunk driver is presumed negligent. In some cases, claims can be filed against those who provided the alcohol and anyone who permitted the driver to drive inebriated.

A family who has suffered due to a drunk driver can pursue claims for pain and suffering, injuries, medical costs, lost income, lost earning capacity in the future, and property damage. To prove these damages in court, the family will usually need to work with an experienced Miami personal injury attorney. A good attorney can investigate the cause of the accident, find all liable parties, find evidence of negligence, accurate evaluate the cost of damages, and pursue justice in the case. In most cases, an attorney will work with medical experts and will gather medical records, doctor’s bills, prognosis details, body shop receipts, police records, and other records that can help prove the case. He or she will take care of all the details so that you can focus on healing and rebuilding your life after the accident.

The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group has decades of experience fighting for the rights of South Florida personal injury victims. As part of the Miami community, the legal team has seen firsthand the damage and devastating that Miami DUI accidents can cause, and as a result the legal team has dedicated themselves to getting results on behalf of clients. If you have been injured in a Miami DUI accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group. We can provide you with information about your rights and options in a free accident consultation.