Miami Gardens Car Accidents Involving Drugs are a Rising Concern
While the number of drunk driving car accidents has slowly been declining in recent years across the country, the number of car accidents in the community involving drugged driving has been increasing. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), a third of all drivers killed in US car accidents in 2009 tested positive for drugs.
Like many communities, Miami Gardens has many plans in place to fight Miami Gardens drunk driving accidents. There are breathalyzer tests, roadside checks, and special programs to make drivers aware of the dangers of drunk driving. However, some experts say that not enough is done to make people aware of Miami Gardens car accidents and truck accidents involving drugs.
Part of the problem is that many people are not even aware of the types of drugs that can cause a serious Miami Gardens car collision. Experts list many potentially driver impairing (PDI) drugs which can cause car accidents. Among them are illegal drugs such as methamphetamines and marijuana. However, PDI drugs also include prescription medications and even innocuous over-the-counter drugs, including many popular flu and cold remedies. If drivers are not aware of the dangers of these drugs and do not take care to read labels, they can easily cause an accident.
Another problem is that some of the drugs which can cause Miami Gardens truck accidents and car accidents are illegal. Drugs such as methamphetamines and heroin, for example, can make drivers very unsafe and can also impair judgement to the point where a driver does not realize that they are too impaired to drive. Some experts have suggested that those who flout the law by taking illegal drugs may also ignore safe driving laws and anti-drunk-driving laws as well.
A third problem is that it can be very hard to discern and legislate drugged driving accidents. Breathalyzers and other tools that law enforcement officers use to catch drunk drivers may not work on drivers who are under the influence of drugs. Many drugs also do not leave any odor, the way that alcohol can. In many cases, law enforcement can only determine whether someone has been driving after doing drugs is to get the driver to take a drug test. In many cases, these types of tests are only administered after a fatal accident – after it is too late to stop an impaired driver.
If you have been in a Miami Gardens traffic accident that you think was caused by a driver who was under the influence of drugs, it is important to speak to an experienced Miami Gardens personal injury attorney. If the accident was caused by drugs, an attorney can investigate a driver’s medical records and background to determine whether drugs were a factor. If someone’s negligent use of drugs has caused an accident that has caused you injuries, that driver may be held liable for your injuries.
Call the Flaxman Law Group today if you have been injured in a Miami Gardens car accident that may have been caused by an impaired driver. Your first consultation with the Flaxman Law Group is absolutely free and gives you a chance to get the facts about the strength of your case, so that you can make an informed decision about any steps you wish to take.