Miami Ice Cream Truck Injuries Rise in Summer
According to a 1998 study published by researchers S.J. Mubarak, C. Lavernia, and P.D. Silva, ice cream trucks pose a possible danger because they attract children and block the vision of oncoming vehicles. The researchers examined ice cream truck accidents between 1985 and 1995 and concluded that all the victims were children, predominantly girls. The most common injuries in these types of accidents were lower-extremity and pelvic injuries.
Although Miami truck accidents involving ice cream trucks are not as common as are Miami traffic accidents involving large commercial trucks, ice cream truck accidents do occur. What is most troubling is that these preventable injuries almost always harm children. According to experts, there are several things that can be done:
1) New laws. Most ice cream truck accidents are in fact Miami pedestrian accidents. When children see a truck, they dash towards the treats, sometimes oblivious to traffic around them. Ice cream trucks also sometimes make frequent stops and starts, potentially leading to accidents. Once stopped, ice cream trucks block traffic and cars behind the truck may pull out, not realizing that there are children clustered around the truck. Some experts have called for ordinances that would ban cars from passing stopped ice cream trucks that are serving customers. Others would like to see ice cream trucks banned or would like them to be parked in low-traffic areas only, where the risk of accidents is minimal.
2) Careful child supervision. If you are a parent and your child sees an ice cream truck, ensure that your child stays with you and walk to the truck together so that you can keep an eye out for traffic.
3) Set down ground rules for your children when it comes to pedestrian safety. Teach your children pedestrian safety rules and make sure that younger children are not allowed to approach ice cream trucks unless they have an older sibling or adult with them to help them cross the street. Teach children to look both ways to cross the street and teach them about staying alert when they walk across a street. Pedestrian safety can help prevent many Miami pedestrian accidents – not just those that occur near ice cream trucks.
4) Consider alternatives to ice cream trucks. If your children are young and are attracted to ice cream trucks, consider stopping by the trucks as a family or keep ice cream at home. Do not allow young children to run up to trucks by themselves.
5) Drive carefully when you see an ice cream truck. One simple way to prevent these tragedies is for every driver to exercise extra caution when nearing an ice cream truck. When you notice an ice cream truck, be prepared for extra pedestrian traffic and be extra vigilant about any children who may go running towards the truck. Never try to pass a stopped truck unless you can see clearly that there are no pedestrians in front of the truck or just to the side of the truck.
If your child has been injured in a Miami truck accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free accident consultation to discuss your case. The compassionate and experienced legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have already worked with thousands of South Florida personal injury claimants. Call today to find out what the Flaxman Law Group can do for you.