Negotiating with Insurers in Florida Car Accident Injury Cases

If you’ve suffered an injury in a Hollywood or other Florida car accident, you’ll likely be dealing with at least two insurers. First, you’ll call your car accident insurer to handle the car accident injuries and damages. You may also be dealing with your medical insurance provider as you seek medical care.

You likely haven’t dealt with insurers that often, which is why you may want to work with an attorney at Flaxman Law Group—someone who can help you explore what your legal options might be if you want to pursue compensation and someone who can negotiate and pursue your claim.

Why Talking to a Car Accident Claims Attorney Can Help

Before you sign any documents with your insurer and potentially before you even start serious discussions with your insurance provider about your injuries and claim, you may wish to speak to a car accident claims attorney. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Attorneys are working for you, not shareholders. Insurance companies need to keep investors happy, and one way they can do this is by paying less in insurance claims to keep profits high. Your attorney, on the other hand, has a legal and ethical obligation to work for your best interests.
  • Attorneys understand the financial pressures of a car collision. After a car accident, you may need to pay for a car rental, car repairs, medical bills, and more—all usually while also losing income because you lose time at work. Attorneys understand this and they will work to seek fair compensation for you, so you have the resources to pay for your expenses.
  • You have other things to worry about, including injuries and work. Attorneys can handle many of the details of your claim, including negotiating with your insurance company. This leaves you free to take care of medical treatments and appointments as you heal. The attorneys at Flaxman Law Group go even further, helping you secure a rental car after your car accident and helping you find a doctor if you need one.
  • It’s easy to make a mistake. Signing paperwork without understanding it or saying the wrong thing to your insurer can mean you end up with less compensation than you need to pay for your injuries and car repairs. This can mean you end up needing to pay for the costs of your injuries from your savings, even if the accident wasn’t your fault. An experienced attorney can help you avoid common pitfalls, so you can seek fair compensation in your case.
  • Florida car accident laws can be confusing. Florida is a no-fault state, meaning that in most cases your own insurer will pay for your costs. However, the coverage offered by your insurer is often too low to even cover a trip to the emergency room. In serious injury cases where someone’s actions caused your accident and injury, you may have a right to sue. An experienced attorney can review the laws with you, so you understand them and understand what you can do next.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident anywhere in South Florida, you can reach a live agent at Flaxman Law Group 24/7 by calling 866-352-9626. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an attorney in our Miami, Homestead, or Hollywood offices. Or, if you’re too injured to travel, we may be able to come visit you in your home, workplace, or hospital room.