Preventing Heavy Equipment Failures & Workplace Injuries

Heavy equipment failure in Hollywood and other communities is a major cause of on-the-job accidents and injuries in blue-collar jobs. Many construction site accidents in Hollywood and across Florida as well as many other industrial jobs are cause by machinery failure each year. While some of these accidents by manufacturing or machinery defects, many are caused by preventable error. Safety experts agree that there are a number of ways to help prevent these types of workplace accidents in Hollywood and Florida:

1) When working with heavy equipment, be prepared to deal with hazards. Your workplace should provide you with instruction as well as any personal protective equipment and protection systems you may need to work with heavy machinery. Speak with the person responsible for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance to review the site analysis and any hazards for the job. In addition, keep in mind that work conditions and hazards can change during the course of work, so be prepared for new hazards.


2) Watch for moving parts. Keep in mind that any machinery with rotating shafts, belts, pulleys, gears, and other moving parts can trap or catch you. Make sure that any moving parts are correctly guarded and avoid wearing loose clothing or dangling accessories or hair when working with this type of machinery.

3) Keep your distance. Keep your distance from any moving parts of the machine you are operating at work. Also, keep a good distance from machines being used by other operators. If you must approach a forklift or other heavy piece of machinery, make eye contact with the operator and ensure that he or she can see you if you need to approach or move around the equipment. This will help prevent you from being crushed or trapped by the machine if it moves without the operator seeing you. Keep in mind that operators may not expect you to approach or be away from your own station. Avoid surprising other workers who are operating heavy machinery.

4) Use the technology available to you. There are many types of safety systems and technology in place to prevent workplace accidents in Hollywood and other communities. For example, some machinery has warning lights or alarm systems to warn workers when moving parts will be starting up. Be sure to use this type of technology if it is available and respect warning systems on any machinery in the workplace. There is also an exciting new app known as the VRPETERS (Vehicle Rollover Prevention Education Training Emergency Reporting System) which can detect a rollover and can send out an alert and emergency email to send medical help at once to the workplace. Although the app is still new, this and other technology could help accident victims in the future.

Workers compensation may not be enough if you have been seriously injured in a workplace accident. Your injuries may require long-term income loss and substantial medical bills, so it is important to explore all your legal options. If you would like to review your situation at no cost with a legal professional, contact the full service law firm at Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation.