Study: More Body Protection May Prevent Bike Crash Injuries

If you are a bicyclist, you may have noticed that a number of interesting safety innovations have been created in recent years to reduce your risk of injury if you are in a bicycle accident in Hollywood or another community. For example, invisible helmets promise to provide a higher standard of protection against injuries.

Researchers at Foothills Medical Centre are suggesting that a new innovation is needed: body armor for cyclists. While head injuries in Hollywood and other cities are a big concern for Florida bicyclists, researchers note that the chest area and other areas of the body also need protection. The researchers looked at the injuries suffered by mountain bikers and bikers on city streets. About 258 severely injured bicyclists were studied and the results were published in the Canadian Journal of Surgery.


According to the study, the main injury to bicyclists remains head injury and highlights the importance of helmets. However, about half of the injuries examined were to the abdomen or chest area. For street cyclists, especially, body armor would help prevent many serious injuries and fatalities, according to researchers. Street cyclists were more likely to be severely injured and more likely to sustain fatal injuries, according to the study, in part because street cyclists were more likely to be struck by a car while mountain bikers were more likely to sustain their injuries from a fall. Mountain bikers were more likely to sustain spinal cord injuries.
Researchers also found that:

•The average age of injured mountain bikers is 28 while the average age of street bikers is 43
•About 86.4% of the injured patients studied were male
•Most injuries took place in the summer
Many bicycle shops already carry not only a range of helmets but also protective vests for bicyclists. These vests may take a little more time to find (they are usually only available in specialty shops) but they may be worth it to prevent injuries. The vests have a mix of hard-shell and padding protection.

The researchers did not mention in their study whether the vests could help protect against spinal cord injury, but the padding and protection cannot hurt. It can be especially important for bicyclists in city environments, since a car colliding with a cyclist is likely to strike the bicyclist’s abdomen area and extremities.

Have you been injured in a bicycle accident in Hollywood or another community? The Hollywood personal injury attorneys at Flaxman Law Group would like to offer a free, no obligation case consultation so that you can review your situation with a personal injury attorney to get legal advice about your case before you make any decisions about your future. Flaxman Law Group attorneys have more than 60 years combined legal experience and have already helped thousands of personal injury plaintiffs recover more than $100 million in compensation. More than that, several of the attorneys at Flaxman Law Group are also outdoor enthusiasts and understand how frustrating and frightening bicycle accidents and other accidents can be. Call Flaxman Law Group today for your free appointment.