North Miami Boating Accidents

If you live in North Miami, you may take advantage of all the waterways in the area by going boating. No matter what kind of boat you have, however, negligence on the part of other boaters can result in collisions and incidents which can cause you serious injury. If this happens to you, contact a North Miami boating attorney at Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation.

Types of North Miami Boat Accidents

Boating in North Miami can be exhilarating and scenic, but it’s important to stay safe and to treat boating seriously. Boating accidents in the area occur for many reasons:

  • Capsizing
  • Boating under the influence
  • Failure to wear a life preserver
  • Speeding
  • Negligence and recklessness
  • Distraction and inattention
  • Mechanical failure or poor maintenance of the craft
  • Inexperience
  • Boating during poor weather conditions
  • Failure to follow safety rules and posted signs
  • Boating in unsafe and prohibited areas

Boating accidents can take many forms in North Miami. They can involve collisions with other watercraft, capsizing, and other incidents. Like a car accident in North Miami, boating accidents can result in direct impact injuries. However, incidents on the water also have the added risk of drowning. When boaters are thrown from the boat or the vessel capsizes, drowning and even hypothermia can be a concern.

Injuries Resulting from Boating Accidents in North Miami

Boating collisions and accidents in North Miami can result in many kinds of injuries, including:

  • Head injuries
  • Fractures
  • Brain trauma
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations
  • Fatalities
  • Drowning and near-drowning incidents
  • Injuries to minors and children

These injuries can have a devastating and, in some cases, life-long impact. Even an injury such as a broken bone can mean tens of thousands of dollars in medical costs, convenience costs, and lost income.

It’s important to take every injury seriously.

Getting Help After Your Accident

If you have been in a boating accident in North Miami, you may be covered by insurance. However, you may also want to consult with a North Miami boating accident attorney to find out how much your claim may be worth and to find out what your options are. An attorney can help you seek the fairest possible compensation for your injuries.

If you have been injured on a boat, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a North Miami boating accident attorney. Our legal team consists of watercraft enthusiasts who have more than six decades of combined experience helping injured plaintiffs just like you.