Warm Weather Means More Miami Pedestrian Accidents
Miami pedestrian accidents are a common concern, especially in warmer months, when more people head outside to take advantage of spring and summer days. The spring and summer also mean tourist season in Miami, which can mean more pedestrians on the streets and visitors explore the city.
Unfortunately, Miami’s high traffic volume as well as the large number of pedestrians in the city can mean the risk of Miami pedestrian accidents. Each year, pedestrians are seriously injured in Miami bicycle accidents and Miami traffic accidents when walkers are struck by vehicles or bikes. Luckily, there are several things that pedestrians can do to help prevent this type of accident:
1) Stay visible. When motorists cannot see pedestrians, Miami car accidents involving pedestrians are likely to occur. For this reason, it is important to wear bright clothing when walking, and reflective clothing when walking at night. At night, pedestrians may want to carry a flashlight or other type of light when walking. There are shoes and other articles of clothing that automatically light up, making pedestrians more visible. Walking in clear spaces – where there are no trees or parked cars to distract drivers – also ensures that drivers can see you.
2) Consider walking trails and green spaces. Pedestrians have little or no chance if they are struck by a heavy vehicle in a Miami truck accident or car accident. The force and size of the vehicle can crush bones, cause serious trauma to the upper body, and can even drag a pedestrian along until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Fatalities are common in this type of accident. For all these reasons, it is generally safer to walk in areas where there is no need to share the space with car traffic. Parks and green spaces ensure that you are well away from road traffic. Nevertheless, keep in mind that walking trails have their own hazards. You may have to share paths with bicyclists, for example, so it is important to stay alert.
3) Do not walk distracted. Many people today are aware that distracted driving can easily lead to Miami car accidents, but fewer realize that distracted walking can be just as dangerous. Distraction can include anything from walking while texting to walking while listening to music. Distracted pedestrians can make mistakes, such as stepping out into traffic or failing to notice a car moving in their direction. Distracted pedestrians are also less likely to notice obstacles and therefore more likely to suffer injuries from a Miami slip and fall accident. Keeping aware of your surroundings helps keep you safe – whether you are walking, driving, or bicycling.
4) Think like a driver. Motorists expect pedestrians to be in specific areas only – such as on sidewalks and in crosswalks. Be careful about crossing streets between crosswalks and stick to those areas where motorists expect pedestrians to be.
If you have sustained serious injuries as a result of a Miami pedestrian accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation. Your free accident consultation is your chance to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more about your options.