Often Overlooked Injuries and Damages in Car Accidents
Car accidents cause many injuries and damages. Some – such as car damage or burn injuries – leave obvious clues. However, some are often overlooked:
1) Cosmetic surgery. Many accidents resulting from car accidents require cosmetic surgery. For example, burn injuries may result in extensive scarring that can only be fixed with multiple skin grafts. Brain injuries may require surgeries and other treatments that result in scarring and may require hair transplants or other non-essential treatments to hide scarring after the fact. It is important to seek insurance coverage for these procedures through a qualified attorney since most medical coverage does not cover these treatments. However, these cosmetic treatments may be vital to making a full emotional and physical recovery.
2) Slowly diagnosed problems. Some injuries sustained in a car accident only manifest symptoms slowly. For example, a patient who has sustained a brain injury in a car accident may not develop symptoms for hours after the accident. Someone who has sustained whiplash in an accident may also be slow to show symptoms. Whiplash is also difficult to diagnose with x-rays and other traditional diagnostic tools, making it harder to pinpoint.
3) Rehabilitation costs. Many types of car accidents require rehabilitation for extensive periods of time. Someone who has sustained a spinal cord injury, for example, may require years of rehabilitation to walk again. Someone who has sustained a serious burn injury may need months or years or rehabilitation and physiotherapy to regain full mobility. Some insurance providers underestimate the amount of rehabilitation needed for full recovery, which is why it is often very useful for patients to work with a good Florida personal injury attorney who can calculate the rehabilitation costs accurately.
4) Property damages. Most insurance providers will recompense an accident victim for the cost of the car damaged in a collision, but most people keep valuables in their car. Property damage may include digital cameras, mobile devices, clothing, work-related equipment, and even jewelry left in the car at the time of an accident.
5) Income loss. In addition to the initial time lost at work after an injury, many car accident victims need to lose additional time at work and therefore additional income for doctor’s appointments, appointments with an attorney, and other accident-related tasks. As well, some victims are not able to return to work until they have dealt with depression or other debilitation conditions after an accident.