Passengers Can Help Prevent Hialeah Crashes by New Drivers
According to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, teenage drivers between the ages of 16 and 17 increase risky driver behaviors as the number of young passengers in the car increases. The study also concluded that teen drivers who have at least one teenage passenger are more likely to drink and drive, speed, or drive late at night. Male teen drivers have a higher risk of risky behaviors when driving with passengers when compared with female drivers.
About half of fatal car accidents involving young drivers with at least three teen passengers involved speeding. In fatal car accidents involving teen drivers in the car alone, about 30% of accidents involved speeding. In cases where a teen driver had two passengers, speed played a role in 44% of accidents. Across all age groups, speed played a role in 33% of accidents.
According to the study, teen drivers who had three teen passengers saw late night driving rise 11 percentage points while drunk driving increased five percentage points when compared with teen drivers driving alone.
To reach their conclusions, the AAA examined available fatal car accident data dating from 2005 to 2010. Researchers found that 9500 collisions in that period involved 16 and 17-year-old drivers. In about 4000 of the accidents, the car had at least one teen passenger.
In May of this year, the AAA released research suggesting that teen drivers with a passenger under the age of 21 have a 44% increased risk of being in a fatal collision. The same study found that the risk doubled with two teen passengers and quadrupled if the car had at least three teen passengers. However, when there was an adult passenger in the car, the risk of a collision actually decreased.
Most parents realize that car accidents are a leading cause of death for minors in the US. In order to prevent Hialeah car accidents, parents may wish to speak to their teen drivers about passengers and the risks that passengers pose. To prevent Hialeah traffic accidents, parents may also wish to limit the number of passengers in a new driver’s car – at least until a teen driver gains more driving experience and skill. Since adults in the car can actually improve teen driving habits, parents may want to spend some time in the car as a passenger to help teens build driving confidence and the skills needed to prevent Hialeah truck accidents and car accidents.
Have you sustained an injury in a Hialeah car accident? Contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free case evaluation. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group has recovered more than $25 million on behalf of thousands of South Florida personal injury victims and the legal team is fully committed to helping injury victims every step of the way as they fight for justice and compensation. Your free accident consultation lets you ask questions about your rights and options and lets you understand all your choices before you make any decisions. There is no cost and no obligation, so contact the Flaxman Law Group today.