Pediatricians Warn: Youth Sports May Cause Florida Brain Injuries
The American Academy of Pediatricians has publicly stated that teens and children should not engage in boxing, since the sport puts them at risk for brain injuries, concussions, and facial injuries. According to the group, even head guards and other protective equipment used in the sport cannot adequately protect children and teens from injuries. According to Dr. Claire LeBlanc, the American Academy of Pediatricians wants children to play and take part in activities, but recommends that “young people participate in sports where the prime focus is not deliberate blows to the head.”
The statement will affect many families in Florida and across the country, since boxing is a popular activity with teens and children. Boxing organizations and lessons are available in schools and as part of recreational options outside of schools. According to some statistics, about 18 000 American teens and children take part in boxing activities. While statistics about injuries are difficult to obtain, some statistics published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine show that boxing injuries resulted in 8716 emergency room visits annually between 1990 and 2008. In about 2500 cases, the injured parties were children and teens.
According to the American Academy of Pediatricians, boxing is especially troubling because it can lead to concussions, and doctors claim that children’s brains are more at risk for concussions and may take longer to heal from this type of injury than adult brains.
Not everyone agrees with the American Academy of Pediatricians about childhood boxing. According to the USA Boxing’s Medical Commission, boxing professionals who teach children take every precaution to protect children stepping into the ring. The organization also points out that boxing offers children a chance to exercise and to take part in an activity with others. The organization further points out that at-risk children and teens, especially, can benefit from the discipline and community that boxing offers.
If your child boxes or is interested in boxing, you may be concerned about this new statement from the American Academy of Pediatricians. If you are concerned, you may wish to discuss the safety features that are available at your child’s school or after school program, to determine what safety measures are taken to keep your child safe from Florida brain injuries and other Florida personal injury. If your child does have a concussion, it is important to allow that concussion to fully heal before allowing a child to take part in other rigorous activities which may result in a secondary concussion. You can also discuss your concerns with your family pediatrician, in order to get advice specific to your case. Your pediatrician can also help you determine whether boxing is the right activity for your child and can help treat any head injuries your child sustains.
If your child does sustain a Florida brain injury, contact the Flaxman Law Group in order to arrange for a free accident consultation. The legal team at the Flaxman Law Group can help you understand your rights and options, so that you can make an informed decision that protects your child’s future. With offices in Homestead, Miami, and Hollywood, the Flaxman Law Group is poised to help all personal injury victims across South Florida.