PIP Changes Affect Miami Car Accident Injury Options This Month

As of July 1, Florida has introduced changes to its PIP coverage, so anyone who is involved in a Miami car accident from this month forward can expect some changes. PIP (Personal Injury Protection) coverage, also commonly called “no-fault” coverage, ensures that if someone is injured in a Miami traffic accident or Florida traffic accident they have medical care paid for promptly, regardless of who caused the car collision.

While the system is intended to ensure that everyone has money for needed medical care without a complex claims process, there have been criticisms of the system. Florida has come under fire for having one of the highest instances of insurance fraud in the country, and many claim that this is because the PIP coverage system is easy to abuse. In recent years, many fraudsters have been accused of staging Miami truck accidents and car accidents and even working with clinics to get the maximum $10 000 payout for even minor or fake injuries. The insurance has also become very expensive.

As a result of the criticisms, Florida legislators have made some changes. Starting July 1, those injured in a serious car accident will only be able to claim the maximum $10 000 PIP amount if they have an “emergency medical condition.” Less serious injuries will have a maximum coverage of $2500. In addition, only dentists, medical doctors, and osteopaths will be able to declare an injury an “emergency medical condition.” Chiropractors will not be permitted to make the decision.

As a result of the new rules, car accident victims in the state will need to seek medical treatment within 14 days of their initial injury and accident. If they fail to do so, they will not qualify for PIP benefits at all. In addition, the new changes will mean that treatments such as massage and acupuncture will not be covered by PIP.

Experts have criticized the new rules, saying that it may be harder for some Miami motorcycle accident and car accident victims to get treatment for their injuries. For example, some victims may not notice symptoms until after the initial 14 days have passed. In addition, soft tissue injuries – which can be painful and expensive to treat – do not qualify as emergency medical conditions. Even some doctors have questioned the new rules, pointing out that the $2500 cap for non-emergency conditions is troubling since some tests – including MRIs – can cost more than $1000 alone.

It can be challenging to recover after a Miami car accident – and even more so if your insurance does not cover the full cost of your injuries. The new rules are confusing for many accident victims and may not allow for enough compensation to pay for medical care. It is more important than ever before to be aware of all your options before you make any decisions in your case. If you are seriously injured in a Miami traffic accident, contact a Miami personal injury attorney to at least review your options and your possible costs.

The Flaxman Law Group is proud to offer a free initial consultation to all new clients, so you do not even need to risk anything to discuss your case with a personal injury attorney. Your no obligation, confidential consultation with the Flaxman Law Group is your chance to ask questions and get facts. Contact the Flaxman Law Group today to schedule your appointment.