Pool Injuries in Homestead: How to Prevent Them
Many homeowners in Homestead decide to put in a pool at their home. While in the past pools were rather expensive today’s simple models cost a few hundred dollars and can be set up in an afternoon. While buying a pool is simple, however, many homeowners do not realize the ways that a pool in the backyard can increase the risk of injury and liability. If you are considering buying a pool, make sure that you:
1) Buy the safest pool and pool equipment you can. Each year, product liability claims are launched in Homestead and across Florida due to defective and dangerous pools and equipment. Research the pool company before you buy and purchase the safest pool you can – even if that means paying a little more.
2) Buy the accessories that will make your pool safe. At minimum, you will want a fence around the pool area and a self-locking gate. An alarm system and no-slip treads surrounding the pool area are also a good idea and can help prevent many pool injuries in your Homestead pool.
3) Maintain your pool area. In addition to cleaning the pool, do a periodic check of the gate and fence as well as the pool itself. If the gate or fence is broken in any way and a child wanders into the pool area you could be held liable if the child sustains any injuries, such as head injuries, in your Homestead pool.
4) Never introduce something into the pool area that is not supposed to be there. If a child’s toy says it should not be used as a flotation device, do not permit your children to use it as such. If your child wants to have a radio by the pool, invest in a water-safe portable radio. Introducing unsafe elements and chemicals into the pool area can have dire consequences; last week, party-goers in Leon, Mexico were seriously injured when party organizers poured liquid nitrogen into a pool to create a smoke effect.
5) Set up pool rules. These rules should include guidelines such as:
•No running by the pool
•No swimming without supervision
•Children and minors are not allowed in the pool area without an adult present
•No electronic equipment is allowed near the pool area
There should be clear consequences for breaking the rules and the rules should be posted in the pool area.
6) Protect your children’s eyes. According to Professor Gerald McGwin Jr. at the University of Alabama, childhood eye injuries are more common during the summer months and a common culprit is swimming pools. He recommends using swimming goggles and masks and checking water pH levels often to prevent this common type of injury.
If your child has been injured in a public pool or in a poorly-maintained pool area, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation to review your options. You may be able to file a legal claim to seek compensation for your child’s injuries so that you can afford the best medical care possible for your child.