Prevent Sports-Related Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries are one of the more common sports-related injuries. They are also a common injury sustained in the workplace and in other situations. In fact, in 2012 about 15.6 million doctors’ visits occurred due to shoulder issues.


In many cases, shoulder pain and shoulder injuries are avoidable. You can avoid shoulder injuries by:

1) Understanding the risks.

You’re most likely to injure the rotator cuff muscles if you take part in any sport that requires an overhead motion repeatedly. This includes sports such as volleyball, swimming, and golfing.

2) Improving your strength gradually.

If you’re new to a sport that will require you to work your shoulder muscles, always consult with a doctor or trainer first. Develop a system of exercises to improve your overall strength. If you are strong and fit, you may be less likely to sustain injury. If you are overweight or have not exercised in some time, adjust to a new sport gradually to avoid strains and injury.

In addition, work on getting the proper technique for your sport and the right form. The difference between a proper stroke in golf, for example, and an incorrect one, could help save you from shoulder injuries. Incorrect form and movement can increase your risk of injuries, so work with a coach or trainer to learn how to play your chosen sport safely.

3) Stretching first.

Before swimming, golfing, or playing any sport, stretch and warm-up first.

4) Varying your exercise.

In many cases, you’re more likely to suffer a shoulder injury by repeatedly working the same muscles the same way. If you play volleyball or baseball, consider introducing hiking into your exercise pattern a few times a week. You’ll get more variety and work a different range of muscle groups and while reducing your risk of repetitive strain injury.

5) Taking breaks.

Taking breaks and allowing your muscles to rest and heal between intensive games can help you avoid injury. If you’re playing and notice that your shoulder or any muscle groups in your body are starting to ache, rest before returning to the game.

6) Staying alert to injuries.

Do not keep playing if you suspect your shoulder or any part of your body is injured. If you suspect injury, get evaluated by a doctor and don’t return to the game until you get the all-clear from a medical professional. Continuing to play when your shoulder is injured can mean more severe problems and more complications.

Have you or your child suffered a shoulder injury due to a car accident, sports injury, or someone’s negligence? If your injuries were caused by someone’s recklessness or wrongful action, you may have a legal claim. To find out more, arrange a free, no obligation case review by contacting Flaxman Law Group. Our legal team would be pleased to offer you advice and an analysis of your situation at no cost and with no obligation.