How to Prevent Burn & Other Injuries in Miami This Fourth of July

Eye injuries and burn injuries in Miami and other communities are a cause for concern among medical professionals and local emergency rooms at this time of year. Each year, people are admitted to emergency rooms with injuries caused by fireworks. Injuries to children and minors in Miami and other cities are often associated with fireworks this year. To prevent injuries in your family, keep in mind these safety tips this holiday weekend:

1) Do not buy fireworks online or from out-of-state. These may not meet safety standards in Florida and may even be illegal in the state. According to the State Fire Marshal, sparklers – including glow worms, snakes, and fountains – are legal – but roman candles, red waves, and other firecrackers that shoot through the air are not legal.

2) The safest way to see fireworks is through an official fireworks event. These are held in and around Miami each year. Public displays are organized by professionals and strict safety standards are observed. In addition, public displays are often much more dramatic than private displays.

3) If you decide to have fireworks at your home, use extra caution. Keep in mind that burns, fractures, and even head injuries in Miami and other communities are common injuries resulting from fireworks. If a guest is injured at your home from your fireworks display, you may be held liable in a premises liability case in Miami or your community. Buy sparklers and set them off in accordance with package instructions. Do not let children handle fireworks and be sure to keep guests well away from the area where fireworks are being set off. If children are present during the fireworks display, ensure that the children are supervised constantly. Store fireworks safely before the party and dispose of them safely afterwards, so that children cannot access them.

4) Make sure your children are aware of the risks of fireworks. Even if you decide not to have fireworks at your home, your children may access fireworks online or through a friend. Make sure they understand the dangers and are taught never to treat fireworks as toys.

5) Never mix fireworks and alcohol. Drunk driving accidents in Miami and other Florida communities are concern every holiday weekend. However, alcohol can also affect your judgment and your mobility, which can make fireworks more dangerous. If you are setting off fireworks or watching fireworks, drink responsibly to prevent injuries.

If you or someone in your family has been injured at a fireworks display or by defective fireworks, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free case evaluation. You may be eligible for compensation that can help you pay for medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses related to your injuries. The Flaxman Law Group is a full-service law firm. After having recovered more than $25 million on behalf of personal injury victims in Miami and across South Florida over the past two and a half decades, the legal team at the Flaxman Law Group have access to resources that may help other injury victims.