Preventing Brake Failure

Brake failure in trucks leads to many collisions in Miami and other cities. The frustrating thing is that in many cases these accidents are preventable. Often, brake failure can be prevented with:

1) Manufacturer and truck carrier accountability.

Manufacturers have a responsibility to create safe brakes for trucks and cars. This means designing safe brakes and monitoring the manufacturing process to ensure that the final product is safe. Manufacturers are expected to test their products to make sure that they are safe and to recall any products that may be unsafe due to flaws. When brake makers fail to take reasonable precautions to ensure their products are safe, they can be held partly liable if their product leads to mechanical failure or to a crash.


Truck carriers also have a responsibility to keep their fleets safe. They are expected to perform regular maintenance and inspection of trucks and all truck components. They are also expected to screen drivers and mechanics carefully and to make sure that the brakes and components installed in their fleets are safe. When truck carriers are negligent, they can be held partly liable if a crash occurs due to their recklessness.

2) Proper truck driver training.

Truck drivers should be trained to drive correctly, so that they do not place additional pressure on the brakes or other components of the truck. They are should also be trained to inspect the truck before each trip and to notice and report any problems with the truck, tires, or brakes.

3) Brake inspections.

Truck drivers are required by law to inspect their vehicles before a trip. For brakes, this can involve walking around the truck to check for leaks, loose hoses, and other issues. It can also involve looking for cracks in the air disc brake rotors and inspecting brake linings

4) Simple brake repairs as needed.

Commercial trucks have ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) systems right on their dashboards and these systems light up in many cases when something goes awry with the brakes. Drivers can then look at fault codes to diagnose the problem and potentially repair the issue or get the truck to a qualified mechanic. Similarly, drivers may notice brakes responding unusually and can act quickly to get the brakes repaired. When drivers and mechanics miss cues that something is amiss, brake problems can eventually lead to brake failure and a crash.

5) Correct loading.

Overweight cargo in Miami and other cities is a major contributor to brake failure. Excessively heavy cargo puts added pressure on brakes, making them overheat and in some cases even leading to brake failure. Obeying federal cargo weight limits and the weight limits for individual trucks is an essential part of avoiding brake failure.

If you have been injured in a trucking collision, you will of course want answers. The attorneys at Flaxman Law Group would like to listen to your concerns and offer legal advice. If you have been injured, simply contact our law firm for a free case consultation. Your free case review is your chance to ask questions and get opinions from one of our personal injury attorneys.