Preventing Summer Work Zone Car Crashes in Florida

According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are two deaths each day across the country in work zones. At this time of year, construction sites and road work zones are more prevalent as the nice weather permits building work which cannot always be completed in the winter. However, drivers out for summer errands are not always cautious about slowing down or staying well out of the way of crews and workers, and this can and does cause many Florida truck accidents and car accidents each summer. According to experts, there are several things that drivers can do to make roadways safer for everyone:

1) Stay alert to construction work and road work signs. In most areas, signage is posted well ahead. Stay alert to these signs and pay attention to the new speed limits, hazards, and lane changes in the area. Being prepared can ensure that you can ease into the new driving situation carefully.

2) Stay alert for others in the construction area. Work areas have a way of pushing everyone together – pedestrians, motorists, city workers, trucks, and bicyclists. You need to be cautious about these other individuals sharing the road with you. Each year, serious Florida bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents occur at work sites. Make sure to stay alert and be prepared for the fact that some pedestrian and bicyclists may not be obeying the rules.

3) Always obey the posted speed limits in work zones and construction areas. Many Florida construction site accidents occur when motorists surpass safe speed limits. While it may be frustrating to have to slow down if you are in a hurry, there are workers working only a few feet away from you. When you speed, you increase the chances that you will hit and injure one of these workers.

4) Maintain a larger distance between you and the car in front of you. Construction vehicles may be pulling in and out of the work zone, and this can cause sudden stoppages in traffic. A larger distance gives you more space to stop safely, without rear-ending the car in front of you.

5) Use extra caution around the flag person. The flag person or flagger is standing in the road area and you need to obey their signage. However, do not just go because a flag person waves you on. Check traffic first to make sure it is safe to do so. Each year, accidents are caused by a small mistake or miscommunication between a flagger and motorist.