Florida Product Recalls & Liability Cases You Should Know

Media sources are reporting that Ole Mexican Foods’ Verole Queso Fresco Authentic Mexican Crumbling Cheese and Ole Fresco Authentic Mexican Crumbling Cheese may be affected by E. coli bacteria. The cheese was distributed in Florida and state inspectors are working with grocery chains to remove the products. In the meantime, customers should check their refrigerators and return the cheeses to the stores where the products were bought. So far, no illnesses have been reported.

A lawsuit has been filed in Florida and Massachusetts, accusing some soft drink companies of not doing enough to prevent the formation of benzene in soft drinks. Drinks that contain Drinks that contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and either sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate may produce a reaction when exposed to heat or light. This reaction can cause benzene to form. Benzene has been linked to leukemia.

Florida Sen. Steve Geller is taking on Internet wine retailers. The senator hopes to limit out-of-state wines imported into Florida. The move is an attempt to prevent underage drinkers from buying inexpensive online wines and having them delivered to their homes.

In Florida, a Judge has allowed a class action lawsuit against Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust. The lawsuit stems from allegations that Fidelity violated the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act by obtaining the driver registration information of a Florida driver from the State of Florida. The information was gathered for Fidelity Federal’s marketing efforts.

The CDC is warning customers about AMO Complete MoisturePlus Multi-Purpose lens solution. A number of complaints and subsequent investigation has revealed that the solution can cause a potentially blinding but rare eye infection The manufacturer, Advanced Medical Optics in Santa Ana, California has voluntarily pulled the product. Cases of the rare infection Acanthamoeba keratitis – have been reported by some users of the lens solution. The infection cases a hazardous inflammation of the cornea that can cause blindness if untreated. It is expected that lawsuits will be filed in this case so that victims can recover damages for the personal injury this product has caused.

Each of these cases has the potential to become a products liability case. Manufacturers, retailers and producers of products have an obligation to ensure that the products they sell are safe for the public. When negligence causes personal injury to customers, customers can seek legal help from a qualified Florida attorney. A good Florida lawyer can help the customer get the compensation they deserve so that proper medical treatment and help can be rendered.