Do You Qualify for Workers’ Comp After a Homestead Truck Crash?

Being involved in a truck crash in Homestead or your community can be terrifying. It can cause serious injuries, including back injuries, whiplash, fractures, head trauma and other injuries. In many cases, the serious nature of truck collisions can also threaten your livelihood if your injuries prevent you from working.


What rights do you have after a truck crash in Homestead or your community? If you are a truck driver who works for a company, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. This is the case if you are a part-time or full-time employee of a company and are injured in a crash while performing job duties. You may also have a third-party personal injury claim if mechanical failure was the cause of your crash. Contact a workers’ compensation attorney—like the team at Flaxman Law Group—to discuss your options at no charge.

If you are a truck driver, however, you may be listed as a contractor rather than an employee on your employment agreement. If you are a contractor, you may not qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. In some cases, employers do misclassify workers. It is worthwhile to speak to a personal injury attorneys and workers’ compensation attorney to find out what your legal options are. You can always contact Flaxman Law Group for a no charge, no obligation, and completely confidential consultation.

If you have been injured in a truck crash while driving a car, you may also qualify for a personal injury claim. If you were driving a company car or performing job duties at the time of your accident, however, you may have a workers’ compensation claim.

Determining whether you should file a workers’ compensation claim or pursue compensation some other way is only the first step. You still need to provide evidence of your injuries, establish liable parties, and file your claim. Even with a strong case, your claim may be denied. It is important to work with a workers’ compensation attorney or personal injury attorney if you would like legal guidance during the process.

If you’d like to speak to a personal injury or workers’ compensation attorney in South Florida, contact Flaxman Law Group. Our team offers free, confidential and no-obligation consultations to injured persons in South Florida who feel they may have a claim. With more than 60 years of combined experience and tens of millions of dollars secured on behalf of plaintiffs, Flaxman Law Group is your resource if you have been injured on the job.