Safe Driving During Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up, many families are arranging their holiday travel and plans. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are choosing to drive to their destinations rather than fly, to limit exposure to people who may have the virus.

If you will be driving during the holiday weekend, there are several things you’ll want to do to reduce your risk of car collisions in Homestead and at your destination:

  • Consider weather and climate: If you’re heading north of Florida, you may encounter snow and ice. Within Florida, you may encounter storms and wet weather. If you’re going to a destination with snow, invest in winter or snow tires, antifreeze, and windshield fluid designed for very cold temperatures. Keep track of weather at your destination and along your route and invest in any car or personal items you’ll need to face the condition, whether that’s chains for your tires or a winter hat.
  • Get your car ready for longer drives: Take your car to a mechanic for a tune-up, check tire pressure, and top up your fluids. Make sure your car is mechanically sound, especially if you’re driving longer distances.
  • Keep in mind COVID-19 may require additional precautions: If you have immunocompromised family members, especially, you may need to limit gatherings, wear masks, and socially distance. Along your route, you may be in areas where some businesses are closed due to the pandemic. Some businesses may have additional rules to keep patrons safe. Check local regulations to find out how local rules may impact your drive and your trip.
  • Plan carefully: Map out the trip and note rest stops, expected traffic and roadwork, hotels and motels, and exists. The more details you know about your trip, especially if you haven’t driven this route before, the more prepared you are.
  • Give yourself extra time: Trying to make it to Thanksgiving dinner by a specific time can be stressful if you didn’t give yourself extra time to consider detours, road work, rest stops, and other delays. Giving yourself extra time reduces the temptation to speed.
  • Have a plan in case you drink: If there is any chance you will be drinking, have a plan. Plan to take a taxi, stay at a hotel, or get home safely some other way. If you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, have a plan to get everyone home safe or a plan to have them stay over.
  • Watch out for fatigued driving: Trying to drive after a heavy supper can mean driving fatigued and tried, especially if dinner runs late. Give yourself time to recover and make sure you only drive when you feel well-rested and alert.
  • Consider virtual Thanksgiving: This year, many families are hosting virtual celebrations so they can include more family members while keeping everyone safe. If you host a virtual event, you can get dinner delivered or catered to everyone and you will be able to avoid driving entirely.

If you are injured in a traffic collision anywhere in Broward or Miami-Dade counties or beyond this holiday, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation. When you call our phone number you reach a live person, and our phones will continue to be staffed during Thanksgiving so you can always reach us 24/7.