Shift Work Can Lead to Work Injury in Tamarac and Other Injuries

Workplace injury in Tamarac and other communities is a serious concern for all workers. While we expect some workers – such as construction workers – to face higher risks because of the nature of their jobs, some studies suggest that shift work may be one of the job types that can be especially risky. There are a few reasons for this:

1) Shift workers often have disrupted sleep cycles, sometimes staying awake for long periods of time to readjust to a new shift.

This has been shown to have a negative impact on circadian rhythms, which in turn has been linked with higher instances of heart disease, some cancers, and other serious illness.

2) Shift workers may suffer from greater fatigue.

According to University of Buenos Aires researchers shift workers may have lower serotonin levels than other employees, which is one reason why they may be getting less sleep and lower quality sleep than workers who have more traditional jobs. No matter the cause, many studies have shown a strong link between fatigue and shift work.

work injury
Employees working the night shift could face additional risks

3) Some shift workers may experience more isolation.

When employees work shifts — and especially the night shift — they may have fewer opportunities to socialize because they are sleeping during the day. They may miss out on events with family and friends and may interact with others less often. This type of isolation can lead to depression and even mood disorders.

4) Shift workers may be more prone to diabetes.

A study published in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine found that shift workers faced a 1.09 times greater risk of developing diabetes, with men having a higher risk of the disease than women. Researchers believe that one reason for this risk is because changing sleep cycles and shift work can impact insulin levels.

5) Shift workers may be more subject to mental health issues such as depression.

Changing sleep cycles, getting less daylight due to work, and the high stress levels that many shift-work jobs bring can all have an impact on mood and mental health.

6) Shift work can lead to an increased risk of obesity and obesity-related issues.

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shift workers had decreased levels of leptin, a hormone important to weight control. Other studies have confirmed that shift workers may have a higher instance of heart attacks, diabetes, and other issues related to obesity.

7) Shift workers may face higher risks for workplace injury.

Canadian researchers published a study in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health showing that injury rates among shift workers did not drop even when injuries for workers as a whole declined. Part of the reason for the increased risk of workplace accidents is because shift workers may experience more fatigue and sleep-related issues than traditional workers, which can lead to more injury. Some studies have shown that employees who work the night shift in hospitals, for example, have a higher risk of being injured in a car accident. Obviously, fatigued driving in Tamarac and other cities can contribute to shift work-related injury.

As a worker, you have rights. If you have been injured on the job, you can always reach Flaxman Law Group for a free case review to discuss your potential case.