Side Hustles Can Mean Workplace Injury

In today’s economy, many workers In Hollywood and across Florida are taking on side hustle or extra jobs to make extra money. While side hustles are extremely popular, however, they can also lead to workplace injury and even liability, even if your side business is in your own home.

Whether you are consulting or selling products online, taking on a second job can be dangerous for a few reasons:

  • It can put you at risk for premises liability claims: If you are running your business out of your home, anyone dropping by your home as part of your business can make a claim against you if they are injured on your property. For example, if a delivery driver is making a delivery for your business and trips on your step because you don’t have adequate lighting, you can be held liable. Before starting any business, it’s important to make sure you have the right insurance for yourself.
  • It can put you at risk for product liability claims: If you’re selling any product and those products cause harm or injury to anyone, you may be held liable. Reduce your risk by working with reputable fulfillment companies and vendors. Make sure you have liability coverage and the right insurance for your business.
  • It can lead to drowsy driving or dangerous levels fatigue: One of the biggest risks of side hustles, even if your extra job involves services and puts you at low liability risk, is fatigue. If you already have a full-time job and are working many hours at a second job, you could be so exhausted that you could cause a car accident or you may be injured due to overwork or fatigue. If you are considering a side hustle, make sure you are still taking care of yourself and getting adequate rest so you don’t put yourself and others at risk.
  • It can lead to distraction: Taking on a side hustle is a lot of extra work. If you are thinking about your money-making ventures or home business while you’re at work, you could end up suffering a workplace injury. While you can claim workers’ compensation, distraction is a major cause of injury in the workplace. You’ll want to make sure that you run your business so you can still focus on work tasks.
  • Working too long can lead to injury: Research suggests that working more than 49 hours a week can increase your risk of injuries as well as serious health conditions, including heart disease. If you want to launch a passion project or a side hustle, make sure you are not overworking.

If you have suffered an injury in the workplace and are having trouble getting rightful workers’ compensation benefits or if you have been injured at someone’s home business or your own home business, it can be difficult to work out to the insurance details and to determine whether you have a claim. If you have been injured at work, Contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood workplace injury attorney.