6 Ways to Prevent Summertime Injuries in Florida
Now that summer weather is back in Hollywood and across Florida, it’s time to look forward to the warmest months. It’s a time when many of us take vacations or relax a little bit more and it’s also time of year when there are many festivals and special events across South Florida.
Unfortunately, some hospitals also report an increase in the number of Hollywood emergency department visits that occur during this time of year. Now that children are home from school and many of us are celebrating, injuries can be more of a risk. Here’s how to keep you and your family safe and happy this summer:
1) Review your fire plan.
Unfortunately, the risk of fires can increase during the summer. Drier, hotter weather can create the perfect conditions for a fire and many of us are outdoors grilling, which can mean an increased risk of flames. If you will be grilling, make sure that you do so well away from decks, patios, or your home. Have fire extinguishers near your grill and in your kitchen at all times and check your home’s smoke detectors today. Make sure that there is an escape plan for your family if there ever is a fire.
2) Make sure that everyone has helmets as well as any safety sports gear they need.
If your children are home from school, do they have the bicycle helmets they need? If they are playing sports, do they have the helmets, padding, and other safety gear they need to stay safe on the field? This is a good time of year to review recreational safety with your kids.
3) Have a drive home sober plan.
Summer holidays can mean increased risk of drunk driving in Hollywood and across South Florida. As we have barbecues and celebrate holidays like the Fourth of July, some drivers will be making bad decisions after drinking. Make sure that everyone in your family has signed a drive sober pledge and knows who they can call for a safe ride home.
4) Protect yourself in the water.
It’s time to take another look at pool safety. Make sure that your pool area has a self-locking gate and install an alarm if you don’t have one already to protect your pool from intruders, such as children who wander onto your property. Make sure that everyone in your family knows how to swim and can stay safe in the water.
5) Get plenty of sleep.
Hotter days and days packed with more activities can make it harder to sleep, but lack of sleep is not only dangerous for your health; it can also leave you more open to injury. Fatigue has been linked not only to car accidents in Hollywood in Florida but also lost productivity at work and even workplace accidents. Make sure that your bedroom is cool and comfortable, allowing you to get proper rest.
6) Manage your time well.
Trying to pack too much into your summer can leave you exhausted and distracted, which can easily lead to injuries. Avoid distracted driving, distracted parenting, and distracted work by delegating some of your tasks or by crossing some of the tasks off your to-do list.
Have you been injured by someone else’s recklessness? You deserve answers as well as compassion. Our professional team of attorneys at Flaxman Law Group can meet with you to discuss your rights under Florida law. You may qualify for compensation that can help you pay for medical bills and other costs.