6 Lessons from Truckers to Prevent Car Accidents in Hollywood
Studies have shown that in traffic accidents involving passenger cars and commercial trucks, the passenger car drivers are often more likely to be at fault. If you want to prevent truck and car collisions in Hollywood or your community, there are several things you will want to learn from commercial truck drivers:
1) Learning to drive takes more work than you think. Passenger can drivers can get a license by completing a simple course and passing a test. The testing and training for commercial truck drivers, however, is more vigorous and truck drivers must complete more in-truck training as well as more classroom training. Passenger car drivers can close the gap between training requirements – and become safer drivers – by getting additional driver training. In some cases, getting additional training can also help you save money on your insurance costs.
2) Developing your driving skills is a life-long endeavor. Commercial truck drivers are expected to keep their skills up-to-date. Most passenger car drivers can also refresh their skills with occasional classes. This can be especially important when moving. For example, if you move from Florida to a city with a winter climate, winter driving classes can give you the skills you need to drive safely in your new home.
3) You need a system of checks and balances to stay safe on the road. Truck drivers prevent car and truck crashes in Hollywood and other communities because they follow strict federal guidelines. For example, truck drivers may be subject to random health testing and must obey rest times as well as texting bans. The rules for passenger car drivers are more relaxed. However, passenger car drivers can stay safer on the road and can prevent traffic accidents in Hollywood or their community with self-imposed rules. While texting and driving is not yet illegal in Florida, motorists can still choose to put away mobile devices when driving, for example.
4) Measuring your progress is important. Commercial truck drivers are expected to keep logs of distances driven and rest stops taken. This forces them to pay attention to how much sleep and rest they are getting. This is also a good idea for passenger car drivers. If you are going on a longer trip, especially, keep track of how much you travel and how many breaks you take – aim to get a good night’s sleep each night and make several stops throughout a day of driving to prevent highway hypnosis and fatigued driving.
5) The shape of your vehicle is important for road safety. Commercial truck drivers are responsible for checking their tires, cargo, and the basic state of their truck before each drive. This is to help prevent tire blowouts in Hollywood and other communities, as well as other preventable accidents. A quick once-over of your car is also a good idea; a well-maintained car is more likely to respond the way you need it to if you need to act fast to prevent a pedestrian accident or other traffic collision.
6) Near-misses and small collisions are an important clue. Motor carriers lose money on unsafe drivers because these drivers can lead to costly litigation and insurance cost increases. When a truck driver is in a near-miss or a minor accident, it is usually investigated. Unfortunately, passenger car drivers sometimes dismiss minor accidents and fender-benders rather than seeking medical advice and driver evaluation and rehabilitation.
If you have been injured in a car accident in Hollywood or any Florida community, you may be eligible for compensation if your accident or injuries were caused by negligence, recklessness, a wrongful act, or a car defect. To find out more, contact the Flaxman Law Group today for a free, no obligation case evaluation.