Sports Injuries a Real Risk in Home & Neighborhood Gyms
Doctors and health experts are always advocating the importance of exercise and as a result many people are investing in exercise equipment at home or joining gyms in order to get healthier and lose weight. The goal of exercise is to make you feel better, but as many personal injury attorneys in Hollywood and other communities know, home gyms and community gyms are not without their risks. Each year, people are seriously injured and even killed when trying to whip their bodies in shape.
To avoid a serious injury that will set you back in your get-fit program, be sure to follow these tips:
1) Talk to a doctor first. Before you start any exercise program, whether it’s using a home exercise machine or a gym, get a checkup. Discuss with your doctor what appropriate fitness goals would look like for you and review what exercise options are best for you. If you are out of shape, your doctor may recommend starting slowly or even keeping tabs on your heart rate when you work out to ensure you don’t overdo things.
2) Try a low-impact exercise first. These days, boot camps, marathons, and other forms of exercise that promise fast results are very popular. High-impact exercise also increases your risk of injury, especially if you haven’t worked out in a while. Start with walking, swimming, or gentle jogging before you start putting in heavy hours at a gym.
3) Research home gyms or neighborhood gyms before investing. Check safety ratings carefully and choose machines or gyms that seem to have a low risk of injury. Keep in mind that each year products liability claims in Hollywood and other cities are launched due to unsafe sports and workout equipment. Don’t just assume that a machine is safe because it is in a catalog or at your gym – check to see whether others have been injured.
4) Take the potential for injury seriously. Sports injury in Hollywood and other communities can don’t just happen on the field or in the area. You are also at risk in your home or at the gym. Take your safety and health seriously.
5) Get some help from a professional or personal trainer, especially at first. While it is an investment, a qualified trainer can show you how to use home gym or local gym equipment effectively and safely. They can also help you create a work-out regimen that is appropriate for your fitness level.
6) Wear proper exercise gear. Any loose or baggy clothes can get caught in machines and can pose a tripping hazard. In addition, incorrect shoes can hurt your feet or even your back so invest in proper footwear.
7) When using any exercise equipment, follow the rules. Do not use machines as they were not intended. When setting up your home gym, especially, carefully check manuals so that you understand how equipment is meant to be set up or used.
Have you been injured at a gym or when using workout equipment? If you would like to know whether you have a legal claim, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free, confidential case review.