Stay Tech-Safe When Working from Home
Now that many employees are working from home, it is more important than ever before to ensure you stay safe when working remotely. While you may not need to worry about parking lot accidents at work or poor security at your office, workplace accidents in Hollywood and Florida can still occur when your workplace is at home.
In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic can mean there are more risks. Your computer and other devices you use for work may not be made for commercial use and you may be at risk due to dangerous products and fraudsters who are using the coronavirus pandemic to attack workers. Here are few tips to stay safer:
- Update your software: Older versions of software may contain known flaws or bugs which fraudsters can exploit. Regularly update your software with the newest patches and versions.
- Don’t share links to meetings: If you are using video conferencing, make sure you don’t share the links to your meetings on social media, where anyone can see it. This allows Zoombombing, where someone from the outside can join your meeting and even stream upsetting content to all participants. Set your video conference controls so only invited guests can attend.
- Update your malware detection software: With so many fraudsters online, it’s important to use malware detection software and scanning software so you are updated if someone tries to access your computer or if you do end up with keylogger software or other malware.
- Use extra caution when sharing sensitive company data: If your job will require you to share personal information or sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, client names, and other data, take extra precautions. This may include making sure your system is encrypted and using a separate computer for work and for non work activities. If you have sensitive material on your computer for work, do not let your children play with your computer.
- Stay alert for scams: Unfortunately, some fraudsters are using the current pandemic to defraud people and even steal identities. Stay alert about the current scams and know how to protect yourself.
- Check URLs and email addresses: To keep your work safe, always confirm email addresses in the “from” field of your computer software. Do not open emails and especially attachments from unknown addresses. Do not follow links in emails unless you are sure they are from a person you trust. When browsing online, check URLs and make sure that the site you are visiting is secure. In most browsers, this is represented by a small locked symbol right next to the URL at the top of the page.
If you are injured in your workplace or due to a defective product, you may have a claim. You may also have a claim in Florida if you have been the victim of identity theft or other types of fraud. To find out more about legal remedies, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with a Hollywood personal injury attorney if you have been the victim of fraud.