Staying Safe During the Pandemic in Florida and Hollywood

At Flaxman Law Group, we have the privilege of helping Florida residents who have been injured in car crashes, workplace accidents, and other situations. When speaking with our clients recently, we have noticed many are concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. While this is not a practice area for us, we wanted to pass along some useful tips we have been instituting in our own law offices:

  • Stay calm, but stay alert: Just as our legal team believes in taking steps to prevent fires, workplace injuries, car collisions, and other dangerous situations, it’s important to prepare for this situation. Order the food and medication you need, talk to loved ones, and develop a plan as to what to do if you or any family member gets sick. You may also want to have a plan in place in case your city or community shuts down non-essential services.
  • Rely on reliable sources of information: Rely on sources like the World Health Organization, the CDC, and National Institutes of Health. These sources have accurate information compiled by health professionals and include situation updates as well as tips for staying safe. Be wary about information posted on social media and online sources which are not verified.
  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands often, and especially before eating and before touching your face, with plenty of soap and scrub for at least 20 seconds. When soap is not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol. In your home, in transit, and at work, wipe down commonly-used surfaces often with disinfecting wipes. Avoid touching your face. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue and then dispose of the tissue. If no tissue is available, cough into your elbow.
  • Practice social distancing: If possible, work from home. Avoid non-essential social interactions and avoid all crowds. Keep a distance of at least a few feet from anyone who appears to be ill or who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Reduce stress: There are many unknowns with the COVID-19 situation and as the situation evolves it can be frightening to hear about the growing number of cases and fatalities. In this situation, people may experience stress, including anxiety and sleepless nights. It’s important to keep an eye on your mental health and to care for yourself and others. Take breaks from the news and practice meditation, relaxation, stretching, and gentle exercise. Eat a healthy diet. If you notice symptoms are getting worse or if you have concerns about your mental health, contact a mental health helpline and your physician. Check in on elderly loved ones. Create lines of communication with distant family members and work with your friends and family so you feel supported.

If you have been injured and are filing a legal claim or would like to file a legal claim, Flaxman Law Group is able to offer some consultations online. If you have been injured and would like to know whether you have a claim, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free, no obligation consultation.