Stopping Common Driving Mistakes

According to many experts, the most common driving mistakes which cause car accidents, pedestrian accidents, and personal injuries are in fact habits. Drivers learn a few mistakes and after a while do not even notice that they make these mistakes behind the wheel. Check to see whether you are guilty of any of these bad habits:

1) Bad mirror adjustments. Most drivers position their side mirrors so that they can see part of their own car and some of the area behind their vehicle. It is actually far more effective to position your mirrors so that you can’t see your car at all. You don’t need to see your car door and by angling a little wider you will decrease your blind spots.

2) Not idling. We all know that idling is bad, but turbochargers require some idling to ensure that oil can flow through them correctly and protect the metal. Idling for a few seconds after starting the car and after each drive can extend the life of your turbocharger.

3) Using the brakes too often. Constantly pressing down the brakes confuses drivers behind you and wears down your brakes. If you are heavy on brakes because you are a nervous driver, consider additional training or racing classes to get more comfortable behind the wheel.

4) Not using headlights correctly. At night, make sure you have your night lights on, not your daytime lights. You need the extra light to ensure that drivers can see you. At the same time, don’t drive around with high beams on unless you actually need them. Head beams can blind oncoming drivers and cause accidents. Keep in mind, too, that in some weather conditions – such as rain and fog – high beams can actually decrease your visibility.
5) Not speeding up in the passing lane. If you’re going to pass a car, you will need to enter the passing lane. Once there, though, you will need to speed up a little bit in order to pass the vehicles you wish to pass. Puttering along in this lane can cause other drivers to tailgate or drive aggressively. If you don’t want to speed up, do not pass.

6) Incorrect turning. When turning, make sure you put on your signal and make a turn in your own lane. Do not drift into another lane or change direction. This sort of incorrect turn could lead to an accident.