Holiday Stress & Shopping Could Lead to More Car Crashes

According to a new study by State Farm Insurance, there is cause to worry about car and truck accidents in Homestead at this time of year. According to the study, about 32% of polled drivers admitted that they become more aggressive on the roads during the holiday season. Those under the age of 49 and those who are parents are especially prone to aggressive driving.

According to the study’s authors, a large part of the problem is the pressure of the holidays. People feel more stress during the holidays as they try to find presence, try to do more, and worry about finances. All of these factors can be a distraction behind the wheel and can also contribute to aggressive driving.


In addition to the stress and pressure of the holidays, this time of year also means more traffic. There is more truck traffic in particular as more stores order additional merchandise and as customers order gift deliveries and other deliveries for the holiday season. The extra pressure and the extra traffic can make for a deadly combination.

According to a study by University of Alabama professor David Brown, as a result of the pressure the holidays, there is a spike in traffic accidents during this time of year. Looking at 10 years of crash data, Brown concluded that the six days around Christmas are especially prone to accidents. During this period of time, there are 18% more reported collisions than during Thanksgiving, which is the heaviest travel period of the year. The six days around Christmas also see 27% more crashes than New Year’s Eve, when drunk driving accidents in Homestead and other communities is a concern. According to the Highway Loss Data Institute, reported claims for car accidents increase by 20% in the month of December, and this may not reflect the total number of car accidents, since minor fender benders in parking lots may go unreported.

According to safety experts, there are a number of things that can be done in order to help prevent car accidents at this time of year:

1) Be aware of the risks. Knowing that there are more truck and car accidents in Homestead and other communities at this time of year means that you can be more cautious when driving. According to Brown, this year, the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday before Christmas are all especially prone to traffic accidents. Last-minute shoppers will be traveling on these days, stores will be open, and that will be compounded by commuter traffic and by people leaving for the holidays during the weekend.

2) Focus on reducing speed. Speed can especially lead to tragic accidents and speeding is considered one of the most common outcomes of aggressive driving. Staying within speed limits can help reduce your risk of an accident and can increase your chances of surviving a collision.

3) Reduce distractions. Especially with more traffic on the road, it is important to fully focus on driving. Put away cell phones, shopping lists, and any other distractions. When driving, try not to focus on your to do list or the pressures and stresses you may be facing; instead, focus on driving and on getting to your destination safely.

Have you been injured in a car or truck accident? Contact Flaxman Law Group today for a free accident consultation to find out whether you have a case.