Study: More Reasons to Prevent Homestead Slip-and-Falls

Since Florida has a significant population of elderly residents, preventing slip and fall accidents in Homestead and other communities is a serious priority for many Florida families. For seniors, falls can easily lead to fractures, head injuries in Homestead, and other serious injuries. A new study from the Yale School of medicine suggests even more reason to prevent falls.

According to researchers, seniors who have sustained a serious injury in a fall are slower to recover if they have a previous disability. Researchers looked at over 100 elderly patients who had suffered a fall in the past twelve months. A year after the fall, those seniors with no existing disability had a 38% probability of a slow recovery and a 45% probability of a fast recovery. In contrast, those who had a disability had a 70% chance of not recovering while those with a severe disability were very unlikely to recover from a fall at all.

Since slip and fall accidents are a common cause of serious disability for seniors, preventing falls becomes even more important for seniors to prevent complications. Families can help by:

1) Researching caregivers carefully. Nursing home abuse and negligence in Homestead and other cities is a serious concern and unfortunately is an all-too-common problem. Researching caregivers and facilities may help prevent abuse and the type of negligence that can lead to falls and injuries.

2) Ensuring that older family members get regular medical attention and check-ups. Inner ear problems, vision problems, mobility issues, and balance difficulties can all make slip and fall and trip and fall accidents more likely. Regular check-ups can help prevent these problems and can reduce the risk of falls. It can be especially important to get follow-up care if an elderly loved one is using a new medication or has a new condition. Until the body adjusts to the treatment or new condition, falls can be more likely.

3) Making the home accessible for elderly residents. Grab bars in the shower and the bathroom can help prevent falls. Keeping a home tidy and free of clutter can also be helpful. In some cases, an elderly relative may need some assistance getting their home safer.

4) Visiting often. In many cases, dangerous conditions go unnoticed because an elderly person is concerned about asking for help or is embarrassed. In a nursing home, for example, elder abuse in Homestead may go unreported. In the home, untidy conditions or dangerous steps may not be addressed unless family or friends intervene. One of the best things you can do for someone in your life is to visit and to keep lines of communication open so that if there is a problem you will be alerted about it.

If an elderly friend or relative has suffered abuse or has been injured due to negligence, you can help them and you can give them a voice. Contact the Flaxman Law Group to learn about your legal options so that you can help. Your initial consultation with the Flaxman Law Group comes with no obligation and is free of charge.