How to Survive a Motorcycle Crash in Miami Gardens

Studies have concluded that if you are in a motorcycle accident you are thirty times more likely to suffer fatal injuries when compared with someone in a car collision. The reason is because you have fewer layers of protection. In a motorcycle crash, you are likely to be flung from your vehicle and come into contact with other cars, your bike, or the pavement with very few layers of protection. As a result, each year many people are rushed to emergency rooms with injuries (such as head injuries) in Miami Gardens and other communities.

The Government Accountability Office reports around 82,000 people are injured in motorcycle accidents and more than 4500 suffer fatal injuries annually. The average cost of a fatal accident costs $1.2 million while injuries in motorcycle accidents cost $2500 to $1.4 million. The total cost of motorcycle accidents across the country is $16 billion or more per year. This cost does not take into consideration the devastation and personal grief and suffering these types of traffic accidents in Miami Gardens and other American cities cause. According to the Government Accountability Office and other experts, there are a number of ways to decrease your risk:

1) Wear a helmet. The Government Accountability Office has stated that the best way to reduce the costs and risks of motorcycle accidents is to make helmet use mandatory. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, helmets saved 1550 lives in 2010 alone and the CDC reports that the helmets saved $3 billion dollars in collision costs. Experts say that helmets reduce the death rate in motorcycle accidents by 39%. Although not all states require helmet use for all riders and while Florida does not have universal helmet laws, wearing a helmet each time you hop on your bike can greatly increase your chances of surviving a motorcycle accident in Miami Gardens or your community.

2) Learn to ride a motorcycle responsibly. If you want to learn how to avoid a motorcycle-car accident, Miami Gardens and most South Florida communities have qualified instructors and classes that can help you learn the basics of safe riding. In some cases, taking classes can even help you save money on your insurance costs.

3) Take safety seriously. Be cautious when riding your motorcycle. Stay completely focused on the road – distracted driving causes many motorcycle and car accidents in Miami Gardens and across South Florida each year. Ride only when sober, well-rested, and prepared to ride safely. Always follow all traffic rules. While motorcycles are more flexible and allow you to take certain risks on the road, taking those risks can cost you your life.

4) Stay visible. Wear reflective clothing and use lights, especially when riding at night. Opt for lighter clothes that are easy to see. Many motorcycle accidents happen because motorists simply do not notice a motorcycle in time.

If you have been sustained injuries in a motorcycle in Miami Gardens or in any South Florida community, you can always contact the Flaxman Law Group to schedule a consultation to discuss your case with a personal injury attorney. Your first consultation is absolutely free and comes with no obligation. If you cannot visit the Flaxman Law offices due to your injury, a member of the legal team can visit your home, workplace, or hospital room.