Symptoms Of Traumatic Brain Injury

Someone who has sustained an impact to the head, as a result of a slip and fall accident, for example, or as a result of a car accident or construction site accident, may be in danger of experiencing traumatic brain injury. In this type of injury, the brain has impacted against the inside of the skull so hard that brain damage has resulted. In some cases, the skull has actually split open and the brain has become damaged as a result of direct impact with an outside force. However, even in cases where someone does not display any obvious symptoms of injury to the head, traumatic brain injury can occur. If you have witnessed an accident in which someone has bumped their head and displays the following symptoms, contact 911 immediately, since this is a medical emergency:
1) Loss of consciousness. 911 should be dialled immediately if the victim loses consciousness. In some cases, it may be impossible to determine whether a victim has lost consciousness or has slipped into a comatose state, so getting an expert medical opinion is a must. However, it is important to note that just because someone remains conscious does not mean that they have not sustained brain injury. In many concussion pieces, a victim remains fully awake and alert at all times.
2) Thin watery liquid coming out of the nose or years. This can actually be spinal fluid leaking from the victim.
3) Eye or vision changes. Dilated or unequal size of pupils can be a sign of brain damage. Also, if the victim is not able to see, is seeing double, is light sensitive, or cannot move eyes normally, brain injury may have occurred.
4) Balancing problems. If a person has trouble walking, or experiences sudden fatigue or dizziness, a medical doctor should be called. Poor coordination, weakness, and difficulty moving are also signs that you need to phone 911 right away. Some victims of traumatic brain injury can experience paralysis as well. Some victims may experience tingling or numbness on their bodies. Some lose control of their bladder or bowels due to partial paralysis.
5) Respiratory problems can be a sign of brain-related problems, as can a slow breathing rate and slow pulse. All can be signs of a traumatic brain injury. A victim can also have problems speaking or swallowing. Some victims exhibit slurred speech.
6) Confusion and headache. Traumatic brain injury victims often display poor attention span, a slowed thought processing speed, memory difficulties, problems thinking logically, bad judgement, and other brain function problems. In addition to brain functioning problems, victims of traumatic brain injury may also exhibit unusual mental or emotional symptoms, such as frustration, irritability, and inappropriate emotional responses.
7) Vomiting.
8) Sluggishness or lethargy.
It is important to note that even victims who do not display these symptoms may still have a serious brain injury. After any impact, professional medical help is necessary. If you or a loved one display these symptoms and have a brain injury due to an accident or someone’s reckless, Florida law can help you get the money you need to good medical care and home care. If you need to speak to an attorney, you can enjoy a free, no-obligation consultation with a qualified Florida attorney simply by calling 1- 800-535-2962 (1 800 5 FLAXMAN)