Teaching Your Younger Children About Florida Car Accidents

Many parents try to teach their new teen drivers about the dangers of drinking and driving in Florida, or about the dangers of distracted driving. However, younger children are also at risk in Florida car accidents. In fact, the National Center for Heath Statistics reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for children under the age of 14. There are many ways that parents can teach young children to be safer in cars:

1) Teach your young children to be cautious about getting in a car with a driver who may be drunk. While most youngsters are taught to never get in a car with a stranger, teach children to look for the signs of a drunk driver and teach them to call you instead of getting in the car.

2) Teach your children to wear seat belts at all times. Younger children should always be placed in an age-appropriate safety seat. However, once children are old enough to wear a seat belt, they should be taught about the importance of safety belts and should be encouraged to wear a seat belt at all times.

3) Teach your children not to distract a driver. Younger children can inadvertently distract the driver, without realizing the danger. When driving with a younger child, make sure that they have an activity that can distract them during the trip. As well, be sure to explain to children the importance of not distracting any driver they are getting a drive from.

4) Teach pre-teens about the dangers of too many passengers. Many teens and pre-teens drive around with older friends with cars, and this means that many young drivers ferry around cars full of friends. This can be distracting and dangerous, especially for a younger and less experienced driver. Make sure that you explain to your younger teens about the dangers of distracted driving and the dangers of too many passengers in a car.

If you or your child have been injured in a Florida car accident, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. Our experienced and caring team has helped thousands of personal injury and car accident patients in Miami-Dade County and Broward County in South Florida.