Challenges Facing Head Injury Patients in Fort Lauderdale
If you are a head injury patient in Fort Lauderdale or any Florida city, there are many challenges that you may face on your road to recovery:
1) The symptoms of some head injuries can be tricky to detect. Symptoms can include headaches, memory loss, nausea, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, ringing in the ears, poor balance, personality changes, irritability, and other symptoms. Symptoms can vary widely from patient to patient and different types of brain trauma present different symptoms. An even more serious problem is that some brain injury patients do not experience any symptoms at first, even if they have a serious or even life-threatening brain injuries. This can prevent some patients from getting help in time.
2) Head injuries can affect a patient’s ability to communicate with their doctor. Issues like memory loss and confusion can make it hard for patients to communicate with their doctors. They may not recall all their symptoms and may have a hard time explaining how they are feeling to a doctor.
3) Not all injuries easily show up on imaging scans. A brain injury occurs when the brain slams up against the hard skull surrounding it. In Fort Lauderdale, slip and fall accidents and traffic accidents are two common causes for brain injury. When the brain is injured in this way, the brain may bruise or there may be bleeding that it is possible to detect with a scan. A concussion occurs when the brain is moved inside of the spinal fluid. Usually, this occurs as a result of a knock to the head or some other injury. In many cases, this injury cannot be detected by scans.
4) Head injuries in Fort Lauderdale and other Florida communities are expensive to treat. Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and other larger cities can be expensive places to get treatment, even though some excellent neurologists and doctors work in these cities.
5) Insurance does not always cover all costs associated with a serious head injury. If you have been injured at work, workers compensation in Fort Lauderdale or your community may pay for some of the costs associated with your injury. If you have been injured in a traffic accident in Fort Lauderdale or your community, your insurance carrier may cover some of the costs. In most cases, however, insurers may cover only initial costs. Many costs – such as home care, long-term income loss, rehabilitation – may not be covered. This is one reason why so many brain injury patients turn to a personal injury attorney to recover more compensation for their injuries. The costs not covered by insurance can be substantial.
6) There is not enough awareness about brain injuries. Many patients do not realize that they have sustained a serious brain injury because they may not recognize the symptoms. Patients may also not know what to do and where to turn after being injured.
7) More research is needed. Two patients of the same size and age and with the same type of head injury can recover very differently from their injuries, even when given the same treatment. Doctors do not yet know what that is and more research needs to be done to determine how to help more brain injury patients recover fully.
8) Brain injuries have a devastating impact on patients. It can take years to recover from a serious brain injury, and in some cases these injuries are permanent. Patients who have sustained a serious brain injury may not be able to return to work and may not even be able to complete everyday tasks due to their injuries. In some cases, the trauma of this type of injury can put a strain on families, on finances, and on a patient’s entire life.
You do not have to face these challenges alone. The Flaxman Law Group legal team has been helping personal injury victims in South Florida recover compensation for injuries and has been advocating on behalf of victims. If you feel you may have a claim, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free case evaluation.