Holidays Can Reveal Miramar Nursing Home Abuse Risks

The holidays can be a difficult time for the elderly, especially for those who are in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. For residents in these facilities, the holidays can be a lonely time, especially if friends and family do not visit. However, they can also be a vulnerable time in terms of Miramar nursing home abuse and neglect. Staff may be overworked and stressed out about the holidays, making abuse more of a risk and possibly creating escalated situations in cases where abuse is already taking place. In addition, financial stress can cause staff to take advantage of patients and can lead to financial abuse as well as neglect.

However, the holidays also present a good time for family and friends to spot possible Miramar nursing home abuse and negligence. The holidays are a great time to visit friends and loved ones in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. There are many ways that you may be able to spot abuse and negligence at this time of year:

1) Plan a visit. Visiting friends and family in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities at this time of year can help you spot abuse, especially since abuse can escalate at this time of year due to understaffing and staff stress. Planning a visit can help you spot possible signs of abuse so that you can act on the signs before the situation escalates.

2) Plan some unannounced visits. Many nursing homes and assisted-living facilities have holiday celebrations or special arrangements for family and friends to visit. While you may wish to visit during these times, you may also wish to make some unannounced or unplanned visits to make sure that the assisted-living facility is still providing adequate staffing and adequate care even during the holidays.

3) Take the time to speak with an elderly person you love this holiday. The holidays can be a great time to catch up and to improve communication between you and a loved one. They can also be a great time to discuss things and to show that you care. Keeping lines of communication open is very important in encouraging the elderly to report any instances of abuse and neglect. All too often, the elderly are unwilling or unable to report abuse and negligence because they are frightened or ashamed.

4) Note any signs of depression or injury. When visiting an elderly loved one this holiday season, keep alert for any signs of Miramar elder abuse. Unexplained bruises and injuries are often a sign of abuse and neglect. However, depression as well as listlessness and withdrawal can also be serious signs that something is amiss. Unexplained Miramar trip and fall or slip and fall accidents as well as other injuries resulting from accident should be thoroughly investigated to your satisfaction.

5) Note and document any signs of financial distress. Financial distress may be more noticeable at this time of year, especially since abusers may be more likely to take advantage of an elderly person due to their own financial distress during the holiday season. If you notice that an elderly loved one seems to be having trouble paying for basics or cannot afford presents, this may be a good time to inquire about any possible signs of financial abuse.

Do you believe that a loved one is affected by Miramar nursing home abuse and negligence? Contact the compassionate legal staff at the Flaxman Law Group to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your situation. The legal staff at the Flaxman Law Group has worked with thousands of South Florida personal injury victims and nursing home abuse and neglect victims. They understand how emotional and difficult these types of situations can be and work hard to provide the maximum number of resources and support for families.