This Time of Year Can Mean More Accidents
At this time of year, many accidents and claims are more common:
1) Car accidents. Car accidents can be more common at this time of year as poor weather and earlier dusk can mean more risks on the road. As well, flu and cold season is still in full swing, meaning that many drivers are driving while tired and ill.
2) Premises accidents. Many people start the new year by trying something new. Unfortunately, exploring new areas of town, going shopping in new stores, and visiting new places can lead to accidents and premises liability claims.
3) Product accidents and injuries. Many people are testing out new products and gifts they received or bought themselves over the holidays. While many are safe, some are not. Many injuries to children and minors occur at this time of year because a new product has been introduced into the home and has been shown to be unsafe.
4) Sports-related incidents. During the New Year, many people make resolutions to get in shape. Unfortunately, getting in shape suddenly, without doctor supervision, can lead to strained muscles and other sports injuries. People who head outdoors to jog or walk in order to get into shape may face an increased risk of pedestrian accidents. Even new exercise equipment in the home can be risky if it is not stored and used correctly.
5) Slip and fall injuries. An early sunset and wet weather can mean more slip and fall accidents. Among the elderly, especially, these accidents can lead to broken bones and even serious complications.
6) Brain injuries. Many people take advantage of the winter season in order to leave Florida and enjoy some winter activities. While winter sports – including skiing and skating – are fun, they also pose a risk for broken bones and head injuries.
While taking advantage of the first few weeks of 2010, please remember to stay safe. Use common sense and err on the side of caution when easing yourself into New Year activities.