This Year, Set Resolutions to Keep Your Loved Ones Safe
If you are having trouble setting your resolutions for 2010 we have recommendations for resolutions that could save your life this year and the life of loved ones. Consider adding these resolutions to your list, for a healthier and safer 2010:
1) Resolve to develop a fire escape plan. Many homes do not have an active and practiced fire escape plan, even though such a plan can help save lives in the event of fire. Many families do not even have properly working fire and smoke detectors. This is the year to change all that. By having a good escape plan that is practiced and known by everyone in your family, you can help prevent serious burn injuries and fatalities as a result of fire. Just developing a plan for fire and practicing it a few times can improve the chances that your family will survive a blaze.
2) Resolve to drive more safely. Car accidents still claim many thousands of lives each year. You can help prevent becoming a statistic by practicing some good driver safety throughout the year. Make sure that you always wear your seat belt, and avoid distractions in the car. Make 2010 the year you shut off all mobile phones and devices while you drive. Pulling over to talk on the phone rather than taking calls as you drive will help you focus on the road more carefully.
3) Resolve to protect your brain. It seems like a funny resolution, but there’s nothing funny about serious head injuries. Each year, tens of thousands of people sustain serious head injuries because they are not wearing adequate head protection. Whether you are on a bicycle, skates, snowboard, or skis, keep in mind that you need to protect your head in the event that you fall. Get a helmet that you love for each activity that you take part in that offers a risk of falls. Check your helmets at the start of the New Year to insure that they still fit correctly and show no signs of wear or damage.
4) Resolve to practice good water safety. Even though it’s winter now, Florida will soon start to see some of its famously beautiful weather. When this happens, most of us will head to the beaches, boats, waterways, and swimming pools in order to take part in the many water activities that the state offers. Brush up on your swimming skills, take a CPR course, and learn how to stay safe in the water. This can help you and others who are swimming with you stay safe.
5) Resolve to take a racing class. It’s a fun resolution, but a racing class can also help you become a better driver by teaching you how to handle curves, accidents, and other possible disasters on the racetrack. It’s a fun way to actually improve your driving skills and keep you safe on the roads.