5 Reasons You May Struggle to Get Fair Hollywood Truck Crash Compensation
After a trucking accident in Hollywood or your community, you expect your insurance company to help you. After all, you probably pay your insurance carrier substantial amounts of money in premiums for car insurance coverage. In addition, insurance companies go out of their way to market themselves as caring companies that care for you in the event of a tragedy. Unfortunately, if you have been in a serious truck or car accident in Hollywood involving a big rig, tractor-trailer, or other commercial vehicle, you may find it difficult to get fair compensation for your injuries. There are five main reasons for this:
1) Trucking accidents often become a case of finger-pointing. In many cases, trucking accidents are blamed on the passenger car driver, often with very little investigation. Statistics show that many commercial truck accidents are in fact caused by passenger car drivers who are negligent, but this does not mean that this was the case in your situation. In addition to finger-pointing when it comes to blame, you may find that there is a lot of shuffling when it comes to admitting who is liable. Even when it is obvious that the crash was not your fault, the accident may be blamed on the truck driver, the motor carrier, road conditions, and a variety of factors.
2) Trucking collisions often involve serious, long-term injuries. Insurance companies tend to compensate for immediate costs, such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Unfortunately, due to the size and force of big rigs and tractor-trailers, many truck crashes involve serious injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, amputations, and more. With these injuries, you have to consider not only substantial immediate medical costs, but also long-term lost income and medical bills that will arise. In many cases, insurance carriers do not consider these costs when making an offer.
3) Insurance companies are in the business of profits. Insurance companies may promise to care for you, but ultimately they are responsible not to you but to their shareholders. The aim of large insurance companies is to be as profitable as possible, and this means that they have a financial interest to not pay out the maximum compensation possible in every accident. Even if you receive what you consider to be a fair insurance offer, speaking with a personal injury attorney in Hollywood or your community you may find that your case is actually worth a lot more.
4) Florida is considered one of the top states for insurance fraud. Unfortunately, Florida has the distinction of having the highest rate of insurance fraud when it comes to car insurance. This makes car insurers far more careful about checking for fraud, and this can delay the insurance process or in some cases can even lead to unjustified rejection of a legitimate insurance claim.
5) There is often a lot of confusion after a trucking accident. Due to the size and force of the vehicles involved, these types of accidents tend to be multiple vehicle collisions, front end collisions, or rear end shunt accidents that cause a lot of damage. It can be difficult to get straight answers, especially once the attorneys of the truck carrier and insurance companies become involved and work to limit liability. Working with a personal injury attorney ensures that your interests are protected and that a thorough investigation is conducted to get to the bottom of what has happened.
If you would like to find out more about what can be done in your case to get fair compensation for your injuries, contact a personal injury attorney at Flaxman Law Group. Your initial consultation is free and comes with absolutely no obligation.