Tornado Safety Tips for Homestead and Florida Residents

Severe storms, heavy winds and rain, and even tornadoes are not uncommon Florida. Severe weather can have a significant impact on homeowners and residents. Catastrophic weather can cause fallen power lines, damage to homes and businesses, car accidents and other types of personal injury in Homestead and across South Florida.

If you live in Homestead or visiting Florida, knowing how to stay safe in extreme weather is an important part of your safety plan. Here are the tips that will help you stay safe:

1) Stay alert for weather updates.

Set up alerts on your phone so you will be informed when tornadoes or other extreme weather are headed your way. Knowing ahead of time gives you time to plan and get to safety before the worst of the storms hit. You’re most likely to be in a car accident in Homestead or South Florida or suffer serious injury if you’re unprepared.

2) Create an emergency kit beforehand.

If you live in Homestead or will be staying for a while, compile an emergency kit. Your kit should include water, food, a first aid kit, and everything you need to stay safe for a few days in the event of a storm and long power outage.

3) During extreme weather, get to an approved storm shelter.

Stay alert to local news to be informed when you should evacuate and where your local storm shelter is. Where possible, get to the shelter in plenty of time. Delaying can mean you end up trapped by severe weather and unable to get to safety.

4) If you can’t get to a storm shelter, know how to stay safe.

In extreme weather, you will need to seek shelter. During a tornado, for example, stay inside a house with a solid foundation. Get below ground level or to the lowest floor. Then, get into the room that is most internal or most in the center of the home. Try to get as many walls and layers of protection between you and the storm as possible. Stay away from any buildings without solid foundations or basements. If air can get underneath the building, it’s not safe enough in a tornado.

5) Have a plan for a few hours or days.

Make sure you know how to get to safety once the storm has passed. Know where to seek emergency help and always follow any updates that come through local media. It is useful if you have enough money and supplies on hand to last for a few days. Keep in mind that trying to use a generator or indoor heater after a storm carries its own dangers. If you do use any fuel-fired appliance or device, make sure you have adequate ventilation and a carbon monoxide detector to avoid injury. If you must burn candles, keep them supervised at all times to avoid burn injury and fire.

If you have been injured by someone’s recklessness or negligence, contact Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. Many people see storms as accidents and assume they cannot get compensation if they have been injured in a storm. This is not always the case. If you have purchased a generator or other product that fail to work correctly and led to your injuries, you may have a claim. If you were at a hotel or other business at the time of the storm and the business owners did not take adequate steps to protect you, you may have a claim. It is always best to get your situation evaluated by an attorney at Flaxman Law Group to determine whether you have a case. Your first consultation with Flaxman Law Group is free and comes with no obligation, so you risk nothing.