Unique Summer Crash Risks in Davie & Other Florida Cities

While summer brings exciting festivals and beautiful weather to Davie and other parts of South Florida, it also brings some unique road hazards for local motorists. Unfortunately, traffic accidents in Davie and other Florida communities are more of a risk at this time of year for a number of reasons:

1) Roadwork. Summer often means additional construction and roadwork projects, and while these bring jobs to the area they can also cause traffic delays and car accidents in Davie and other communities. To avoid the hassle and the risk, avoid construction areas where possible by checking your route before you drive. If you do find yourself approaching a roadwork area or construction area, slow down and follow any signs posted. Use extra caution in these areas, since more traffic can mean a greater risk of traffic collisions and pedestrian accidents.

2) Children and minors. Once schools are out, children and minors often head outdoors to enjoy their summer. This can mean more children in yards and in parks as well as more teen drivers on the roads. Keep this in mind and use extra caution to prevent pedestrian and bicycle accidents in Davie or your community.

3) Car trips. Road trips are a big part of summer fun, but they can also pose some dangers. Driving over long distances and into areas you are not familiar with can mean a greater risk of collisions, especially if fatigue also becomes a factor. If you do decide to go on a longer trip, plan well in advance. Review your route so that you do not have to look at a map as you drive. Get plenty of rest before you start your trip and take regular breaks during the drive to rest, stretch, hydrate, and eat.

4) Drinking and driving. Drinking and driving accidents in Davie and other Florida communities continue to be a problem, unfortunately, despite education and awareness campaigns. Summer can mean a greater risk for these types of traffic collisions, unfortunately, due to the number of outdoor parties, weekend get-togethers, and holidays at this time of year. To prevent being injured in a DUI accident, make a plan now to get home safely from summer events and BBQs.

5) Animals on the roads. Many animals have young at this time of year and are generally more active, meaning that animal-related car accidents can become more common. If you drive in more remote areas and at dawn and dusk, especially, you may be at greater risk of an accident.

6) Heat and weather conditions. Heat can exacerbate fatigue and drowsiness while bright sunlight can cause headaches and visibility problems. It is important to use air conditioning or to roll your windows down in order to prevent heat exhaustion in the car. Wear sunglasses to prevent glare problems and have water bottles in your car so that you can stay hydrated during your day.

7) Additional traffic. Southern Florida usually sees an influx of tourists and visitors during summer months, and this can mean crowded roads as well as more car collisions in Davie and other local areas.

If you have been seriously injured in a traffic accident anywhere in South Florida and believe that your accident was caused by negligence or recklessness, contact the Flaxman Law Group for a free accident consultation. The Flaxman Law Group is a full service law firm with resources to investigate car accidents and to pursue a range of personal injury claims on behalf of clients.